Simple Holiday Chicken Dinner

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This post is sponsored by Welch’s. This holiday season, put together a Chicken Dinner Recipe.  welch

Welch’s Non-Alcoholic Sparkling asked me to share one of my recipes with you that puts a new kind of Sparkle in family time.  The Holidays are all about traditions new and old and one of my favorites has been sharing a few bubbly bottles of Welch’s Non-Alcoholic Sparkling with everybody in the family.  It’s delicious and appropriate for all ages.  Moms, Dads and Moms-to-be can always appreciate a ceremonial toast or a casual sip.  I’m always a big fan of having plenty of Non-Alcoholic beverages at my gatherings and the Holiday season is no different.


I know just how important it is to connect with family and friends and most of that connecting is done at the table where meals and snacks are shared.  Welch’s strives to help initiate those meaningful connections at the dinner table.  A Kitchen Table Report conducted by Welch’s Health & Nutrition Advisory Panel showed that even though families are faced with less time and more distractions, they still are making time for each other at meal time.  American Families know the importance of sharing a snack or a meal together and those that do tend to be healthier and stronger.


Welch’s is all about being inclusive and sharable, which is why they are a perfect fit for our holiday traditions.  I also take advantage of the flavor and sparkle of Welch’s Non-Alcoholic Sparkling for making a deliciously moist chicken dinner to compliment a sweet, tart, and lively glass of Welch’s Non-Alcoholic Sparkling.  The dish includes lemon chicken thighs, a bright and citrus compliment to the Welch’s, along with rosemary potato wedges, and broccoli for a savory balance.  This is one of those pairings that will have you sipping and chewing with delight as you share time together until there is nothing left on the table. The broccoli is simply stemmed while the potatoes are made with this recipe and the chicken is this recipe.
