6 Reasons Why Your Organism Breaks Out When You Travel

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Traveling to a new place can be exciting and energizing, but it also means exposing your skin to an unfamiliar environment. The change in climate, diet, hygiene products, and stress levels all have an impact on your body.

But while many people experience organism breakouts when they travel due to these changes in their lifestyle, some people are more sensitive than others. This sensitivity is largely genetic since everyone’s immune system responds differently to environmental factors. That is why, in conditions of increased physical activity, to maintain the body, organic elderberry helps to stabilize the necessary vitamins to support immunity.

All of us have experienced that moment when, after a long flight or drive, we suddenly break out. It is not just because of lack of sleep and change in environment, it can also be due to changes in diet. For many people, this is one more thing they worry about while traveling. Let’s take a look at six reasons why your organism breaks out when you travel!

Foods And Drinks

Traveling is a great opportunity to try out new dishes in different places, but you need to pay close attention to how your body reacts during your travels. If you are traveling to an unfamiliar place, then you may eat and drink things that your body is not used to. As a result, your body might develop stress or a reaction to the new foods and drinks.

Food poisoning is one of the main reasons why people get sick while they travel. It is more common than you might think, especially in places where hygiene standards are not up to par. The same thing goes for drinking water in a different country. On top of the local dishes, try to stay away from tap water when you travel. You can get sick from drinking contaminated water or simply with an upset stomach caused by the chemicals they add to the water in your destination country. While not everyone is sensitive to these chemicals, drinking local water might be one more thing that contributes to your organism breaking out.

Another thing that can contribute to your organism breaking out is food allergies. Food allergies are a strong immune reaction to food, and they can happen at any time. So how do you know if your organism is reacting badly to some new dishes? If you’re feeling unwell after eating some local dishes then more than likely it’s caused by the foods or drinks that you have eaten.

You Change Your Skincare Routine

When you’re traveling it’s easy to forget about your skincare routine. You are probably stressed by packing, security checks, and other concerns that come with the territory when you travel, so you end up forgetting your skincare routine products. You might end up trying out new skincare products with different chemicals, which may mean trouble for your body.

The pH of some cosmetics can be quite harsh on your skin and cause skin irritation. And while your skincare routine might not be the first thing on your mind, it needs to stay at the top of the priority list. These free self-care ideas can help you select the perfect skincare routine for yourself.

You are Dehydrated

Another reason why you break out when you travel is dehydration – because who drinks enough water while traveling? It is not that easy to find freshwater everywhere, which often leads to drinking lots of caffeinated beverages instead. Furthermore, when you are dehydrated, your body’s inner functions are affected, hence you feel tired, have headaches, and your skin and lips become dry.

Bed Linens and Pillows

Your bed linens and pillows are other factors why your organism breaks out when you travel. During your travels, you might end up sleeping on a different pillow or using new sheets. Using the same sheets is always the most hygienic way to go, even though many hotels offer fresh linen every day. But it is not optimal in terms of your health.

You will be exposed to different allergens when you sleep in a new place, and this may affect your skin quite badly.

The Process of Acclimatization

You might be a healthy traveler who follows all the hygiene rules, but there is also a reason why your organism breaks out when you travel – acclimatization. Acclimatization is a very important part of your journey, and you need to know that some places might not be as comfortable as others. When you travel, things like altitude, temperature, and humidity can affect how your body reacts to the new surroundings. You might end up with different types of infections if your organism does not adapt properly to the new conditions.

Physical and Emotional Stress

If you are moving to a new place, or something important happened in your family/friend circle, these are situations that can be emotionally draining and may cause stress. Even if you feel great because of the other aspects of traveling, it could still affect your skin – especially acne! This is because stress makes your body secrete hormones called glucocorticoids which trigger an increase in sebum production.

A Few More Tips And Tricks

So, what are some things that help? First of all, avoid using alcohol as much as possible when you are taking antibiotics since both increase dryness. Make sure you take enough immune support vitamins. While you travel, you need to take vitamin C to help your body fight any infections and keep energy. Try to stay away from anything that increases stress levels in your body. Do yoga, meditate, and be in a good mood!

– Avoid scratching your skin when it’s irritating –it could introduce bacteria and increase the problem.

– If you want to use makeup, make sure you choose one that fits your budget and skin type. For example, if you have oily skin, stay away from cream products!

– Don’t forget to drink enough water every day. It helps our bodies go back to normal after traveling and also hydrates your skin from within.

– You can also try using clay masks or apply some honey on the affected areas before going to bed, they moisturize skin and make a fresh look for 15-20 minutes- applying honey is a natural way of fighting acne, but only use in the evening since honey acts as a purifier.


There are many reasons for organisms to break out when you travel. That is why it is important to know what affects you and how! By taking care of yourself while traveling, you can avoid many problems.

The next time you travel somewhere new, be sure to take care of yourself. Make sure you sleep well, eat healthy food, drink lots of water and do your best to adapt to the new environment so you can enjoy a healthy trip!