Nutro Satisfaction Guarantee Sweepstakes (200 Winners)

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Nutro Satisfaction Guarantee Sweepstakes! Enter by October 2, 2023. Good Luck! PLUS You will get a $5 off Nutro coupon just for entering.

Prizes Include:
Cat Prizes: Twenty-five (25) Cat Prizes (each, a “Cat Prize”) and each comprising of the following: (i) three (3) manufacturer’s coupons, each for up to Forty Seven Dollars and Ninety Eight Cents ($47.98 USD) off one (1) 14lb. bag of NUTRO dry cat food; and (ii) three (3) coupons, each for up to Forty One Dollars and Ninety-Eight Cents ($41.98 USD)
off one (1) NUTRO wet cat multipack. The Approximate Retail Value (“ARV”) of each Cat Prize is two hundred sixtynine Dollars and Ninety-Eight Cents ($269.98 USD).

Dog Prizes: Twenty-five (25) Dog Prizes (each, a “Dog Prize”) and each comprising of the following: (i) three (3) manufacturer’s coupons, each for up to One Hundred and Three Dollars and Ninety-Eight Cents ($103.98 USD) off one (1) Nutro dry dog bag up to 40lb and (ii) three (3) manufacturer’s coupons, each for up to Sixty-Five Dollars and
Ninety Six Cents ($65.96 USD) off one (1) NUTRO wet dog multipack. The ARV of each Dog Prize is Five Hundred and Nine Dollars and Eighty-Two Cents ($509.82 USD).

Secondary Prizes: One hundred and fifty (150) Secondary Prizes (each, a “Secondary Prize”, and together with a Cat Prize and a Dog Prize, each a “Prize”) and each comprising of one (1) coupon for up to One Hundred and Three Dollars and Ninety-Eight Cents ($103.98 USD) off one (1) NUTRO dry dog or dry cat food up to 40lb. The ARV of each Secondary Prize is One Hundred and Three Dollars and Ninety-Eight Cents ($103.98 USD).