MUST READ- Household Product Expiration Dates
Thank you so much Saving Towards A Better Life for this article – this girl rocks!
An important thing to consider when starting and maintaining a stockpile is expiration dates. If you buy stuff that you can’t use before it goes bad, well, then that’s not a good deal right?
There are some items that might surprise you on how long they can keep if unopened and stored properly.
Air freshener, aerosol
2 years
Antifreeze, premixed
1 to 5 years
Antifreeze, concentrate
Batteries, alkaline
7 years
Batteries, lithium
10 years
3 to 6 months
Dish detergent, liquid or powdered
1 year
Fire extinguisher, rechargeable
Service or replace every 6 years
Fire extinguisher, nonrechargeable
12 years
Laundry detergent, liquid or powdered
Unopened: 9 months to 1 year
Opened: 6 months
Metal polish (silver, copper, brass)
At least 3 years
Miracle Gro, liquid
Opened: 3 to 8 years
Miracle Gro, liquid, water-soluble
Motor oil
Unopened: 2 to 5 years
Opened: 3 months
Mr. Clean
2 years
Unopened: Up to 10 years
Opened: 2 to 5 years
Spray paint
2 to 3 years
2 years
Wood polish (Pledge)
2 years