January Favorites 2013

Sharing is caring!

Another month means another month of favorites 🙂

Enjoy the video – let me know what your favorites things are 🙂

Here is a picture of all my favorites

Here is the list 🙂

Special K Protein Shake
Budget Savvy Diva’s Book

Benefit – High Bean

Bath and Body Works – Cashmere Glow

Too Faced – Makeup Palette – Sweet indulgences

Essie – Sure Shot – $4.50

Lancome – Hypnose Star

Rosebud Salve


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  • Linda R.

    I have missed seeing Watson on a daily basis and was happy to see His Sweetness on your video cover. Not that you weren’t great, as usual, but I must admit, I couldn’t take my eyes off Watson, who was peacefully sleeping in the background. He only moved once. Oh, I am such a pet lover!

    Congratulations on your book. I’m really happy for you. Good luck with your teeth. It’s a good thing you are having that done now while you are young.

    Thanks for all the information you put together for us. I enjoy your emails and other messages. Of course, I enjoy Watson, too! ~Blessings

  • paula

    Love the video! Congrats on the book, very happy for you. Will be ordering it soon.

    I also love the protein shakes, my daughter is living on them every time she gets her braces tightened and in the morning since she is not a big eater! I will have to visit Sephora more, you have some awesome items that I would love to try as well.

    Good luck with your teeth, I hope that the pain goes away really soon. You will be so happy that you did it!

    Hugs to Watson! Such a cutie pie.

    All the best……

  • Brandi A.

    I too have a lip product problem 🙂 My favorite ever is Burts Bees. It is sooooo good! When I need more, I just don’t buy one, I buy four at a time! Maybe after your cookbook, your next book could be about lip products…..wouldn’t that be fun to research!
    Congratulations on your book and I love your videos 🙂