Here Are 8 Lovely Things You Can Make With Fragrance Oils
The sense of smell has the power to conjure striking memories. You may not realize, but scents are all around you. From the smell of freshly cut grass in the summer to the soothing petrichor when it has rained, we are surrounded by a variety of smells. You can further engage your sense of smell with fragrance oils. Incorporating soothing and pleasant fragrances in your life can have a positive impact on your mood and alleviate stress.
Wondering how you can use fragrance oils in your everyday life? Here’s a list of things you can make using different scented oils.
There’s no shortage of perfume options on the market. While having an abundance of choice is wonderful, it can also make it confusing to pick the right fragrance. And it’s also possible that you may be struggling to find a perfume that perfectly meets your requirements. So why not make your own? Concocting your own perfume using fragrance oil allows you to enjoy a custom as well as an economic product.
If you love smelling fresh, then just spraying perfume is not enough. You need to integrate scent in other ways as well. We suggest making yourself smell good right from the start by bathing with a delightful soap. Since fragrance oils have impressive staying powers, you can use them to make artisanal soaps.
Have you taken up candle-making? You can take your creations up a notch with fragrance oils. Since these oils can be concentrated, a small amount should do the trick. Make sure you gently but thoroughly mix the oils before the wax solidifies.
If you don’t want to go to the trouble of making candles or air freshers, you can still make your home smell delightful with aroma diffusers. All you need to do is mix almond oil with a couple of drops of fragrance oil. This solution will consistently fill your home with a gorgeous scent.
Air Freshener
From making your home smell good for unexpected guests to refreshing a musty bathroom, air fresheners are a must-have for every household. That being said, most products sold in the market can be too on the nose. Instead of picking an overwhelming scent, you’re better off making your own. You just need a spray bottle, distilled water and fragrance oils.
Bath Bombs
To say that bath bombs became viral in the past couple of years would be an understatement. Rather than splurging on luxury bath bombs, you can try making then at home. All the necessary ingredients, including fragrance oils, are readily available.
Cleaning Solution
Often cleaning solutions contain chemical compounds that are detrimental to the environment. Luckily, there is a better and much more affordable alternative available. Recently, making cleaning products has become quite popular, thanks to sustainability influencers. However, homemade cleaning solutions often have a potent odor, which some may find unpleasant. If that’s the case, you can make your cleaning products smell great by adding fragrance oils.
Body Scrubs
While you can easily purchase a body scrub, it’s always cheaper to make your own. Moreover, it allows you to control the ingredients and keep them natural. You can use a variety of pantry items such as brown sugar, oats, ground coffee, almond meal and so on. You can mix any of these ingredients with olive oil or honey, along with a few drops of fragrance oils. Store it in an air-tight container, and you’re good to go. Say hello to ultra-smooth skin!
Wrapping Up
People who love delightful fragrances are often looking for natural products that smell amazing. If you have mastered the art of making products using a fragrance oil, how about commercializing your talent? Your hobby holds the potential to become a profitable side-hustle.