5 Online Services That Can Benefit Your Budget

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In an increasingly digital world, you can find an online service for almost anything you need. But with inflation rising by the day, not all of these services are worthwhile or affordable. That doesn’t mean there aren’t diamonds in the rough, though, and many can even benefit your budget despite their cost. Read on for a few options of online services that are both useful and lighter on the wallet.

1. Telehealth

Cost aside, telehealth services are perfect for those who have disabilities that prevent them from seeing a doctor in person. These services can be independent or offered through services you already use like a medical group or your insurance plan. You can use them for quick appointments with a certified doctor, referrals, and getting an online prescription order without leaving your home. In some cases, you can even monitor your general health via their portal.


Telehealth services have been available in some form for a while, but the services really expanded due to the pandemic. Anything you need is on the portal, and you don’t have to go anywhere or do much to have access. And as a bonus, you aren’t using up expensive gasoline to get to the doctor’s office anymore.


  1. Budgeting Software


Everyone uses a different method for financial planning according to what works best for them at the time. But sometimes this can quickly overcomplicate things if you aren’t financially savvy or don’t have a structured system in place. Luckily, instead of mulling over numbers and calculations yourself, you can find software that does much of the work. This way you can have an easily-accessible visual overlook of your finances that makes things clear and concise for you.


There are, of course, different budgeting methods that different platforms use, but one is to give every dollar a job. This is the main idea of You Need a Budget and EveryDollar, which help you assign all income to a certain place. Others with different strategies include Albert, GoodBudget, and CountAbout, all of which provide additional, external tips and guidance.


  1. Meal-Planning Organizers


Planning out your groceries, sticking to your list, and using produce before it goes to waste is always a struggle. Losing food is a shame and means you have to spend more to replenish it — particularly if it’s a recipe ingredient. Next time you explore the pantry before a grocery run, try using a meal planning service instead of a list. It can help you keep track of what you need, what you have, and teach you how to use it.


This means less food waste and optimized spending, so you’re only getting what you need without sacrificing quality and flavor. Certain options, like Eat This Much, will generate potential shopping lists that you can use for budgeting. Most also come with databases of pre-formulated recipes to accurately fit your dietary and financial needs.


  1. Food Leftover Apps


If you’ve ever used a food delivery app, you know how expensive fees can be after you’ve chosen your food. Avoiding take out will save you a lot quickly, but you may not have the energy to cook every night. Instead, you can find nice, balanced alternatives in food waste prevention apps like Too Good to Go, FoodForAll, and Olio. These apps help people and restaurants with excess food find others to take it instead of throwing it away.


The apps centered around restaurant food are the most popular and very beneficial for this reason. You get discounted food they’d otherwise throw out, and they get to make a bit of money back on it. Apps centered around user sharing, like FoodForAll, give people the chance to put their leftover ingredients to better use elsewhere. Because of their user-oriented nature, these apps also have free opportunities from time to time, depending on who you find.


  1. Virtual Library Services


Public libraries have always been a haven for information, public resources, and culture. As more resources become available online, public libraries have followed suit by digitizing and adding much to their collections. Overdrive is a popular platform that provides access to all the resources of your local library. This includes eBooks, audiobooks, music, film, and any other media that your library has made available online.


With so many options at your fingertips, entertainment and intellectual stimulation are available at no cost to you. This is why public libraries are so essential — you don’t need to spend anything at all to access their collections. The added online benefits of other media only make this more apparent. If there are any new skills or topics you want to learn, you can do so for free.


Life is expensive these days and you understandably want to save money wherever you can. Convenience is important as well because of how busy your schedule may be. Hopefully, you can use some of these online services to find a good balance. In the end, your budget will benefit from the convenience and savings.