5 Must-Have Benefits of Drinking Water

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Were you aware that water makes up as much as 60% of the adult human body?


It’s no wonder that you’re supposed to consume a lot of water daily. But how much water should you be drinking to get the benefits that nature’s non-carbonated soda offers? 


According to WebMD, women should strive for nine cups of water daily. Pregnant women, meanwhile, should up that to around 10 cups daily. Whether pregnant or not, you’ll want to drink even more than the recommended amount if you work out and perspire a lot.


Are you aware of the health benefits that come with drinking enough water? There are many. And one of the best things is that you won’t have to spend an arm and a leg to get water. Just turn on the tap and enjoy the cool refreshing liquid.


Here’s a look at five must-have benefits you can enjoy by drinking enough water every day.


  1. Get Help With Losing Weight


Drinking enough water over the course of the day can help you shed some pounds. If you think you’re hungry, you might actually be thirsty. So, drinking a cup or two of water when you feel for a snack might be enough to bid the hunger pangs goodbye. 


It’s a good idea to drink some water before tucking into your dinner. The water will fill your stomach, curb your appetite, and assist your metabolism so your body burns fat more efficiently. If that’s not a good enough reason to consume enough water every day, nothing is.


  1. Get a Boost in Brain Function


Water plays an essential role in providing energy to your brain. And a properly hydrated brain functions faster. But here’s the thing: The brain can’t store water. That’s one reason it’s essential to maintain hydration over the course of the day. 


Drink water for your brain health. While some people rely on the caffeine fix that comes from coffee or energy drinks, that’s not the healthiest way to get an energy boost. Nothing beats water.


  1. Get Healthier Skin


Drinking water can also improve the look and feel of your skin. So, if you’re spending a small fortune on skincare products but aren’t drinking enough water, you’re leaving a lot of benefits on the table. 


When you drink enough water daily, you’ll be able to tackle issues like sagging skin, maintain a good pH balance, prevent acne and pimples, reduce wrinkles, and more. 


Drinking water will hydrate your skin and bolster blood circulation. You’ll have healthier, more radiant skin that’ll be the envy of friends and acquaintances. 


  1. Prevent Foul Breath


No one wants to be told they have bad breath. One way you can safeguard against bad breath is by drinking water regularly. By so doing, you can wash down oral bacteria and food particles. So, while drinking water isn’t a replacement for brushing your teeth, flossing, and using mouthwash, it can help in the fight to keep your mouth from smelling foul.


  1. Prevent Headaches and Migraines


Another reason you should drink enough water is that it can help you avoid, reduce the severity of, or quickly remedy headaches and migraines. A splitting headache or migraine is enough to throw a wrench into anyone’s plans. Headaches and migraines can be caused by dehydration. So, drinking enough water is one way to lower your risk of getting them. Your brain is a fatty organ that requires plenty of water to operate properly and efficiently. So, drink up.


Bonus: Be Proactive With Your Health


Drinking water is essential. But so, too, is seeing your doctor if you’re experiencing any health-related issues. The earlier your healthcare provider diagnoses any problems, the better your chances of beating the illness and moving forward. And you can drink a cup of water to that.


A disease like peritoneal mesothelioma, a rare cancer, is an example of how a timely diagnosis can be a game-changer. It manifests itself in the abdominal lining. An early diagnosis of this disease will open up several treatment options to give you a fighting chance. It’s one reason you should make a point of seeing your doctor whenever something’s not right.


Parting Thoughts


You’ll likely agree that these five health benefits — not to mention the bonus tip — can all contribute to a higher quality of life. And the best part is that you have easy access to plenty of fresh water. Make a point of getting enough water for these and other benefits.