FREE Weekend Activities…

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FREE Weekend Activities & Entertainment Round-Up:
Bass Pro Shops are offering up FREE Easter Activities! Just head on over there on Saturday or Sunday from noon to 3 pm. to make FREE Easter Decorations! You can also receive a 4×6 photo with the Easter Bunny between 11am – 3pm and go on an Easter Egg Hunt between 2pm – 3pm on 4/3 and 4/4 too! Go here to check out all the fun details.
If you have a Lakeshore Learning Store nearby, you may want to take advantage of the FREE kids crafts available tomorrow, April 3rd too! Just head on over there between 11 am-3 pm. They will be making Silly Bunny Puppets. You can check out more details and find your nearest store here.
On Saturday, April 3rd, Home depot will have a new FREE workshop available for kids! Starting at 9 am and running until noon they’ll learn how to build a Butterfly House! How cool!
Also, on Saturday, April 3rd, from 10am to 1pm, Michael’s will have a FREE family Easter event! Decorate an Easter pail for your Easter Egg Hunt and more! Check out all the fun details here.
(Thanks, Who Said Nothing In Life Is Free?)