NEWS: Woman Banned From Abercrombie For Buying Too Many Clothes!
I was surfing the web and I found this article and I thought it was interesting.
I personally think that Abercrombie is WAY overpriced even with clearance + coupon deals also they over perfume EVERYTHING in the store…cough….cough…
So all that being said if you need a good chuckle then read the following story…
Abercrombie & Fitch banned a loyal customer because whenshe was purchasing too many clothes. Kim Navarra placed a $200+ order online ( which I am assuming she bought a shirt and some socks) and received an email saying it was canceled because they thought she was reselling their merchandise.
And banned her from making ANY OTHER PURCHASES!!!!
This story went viral and Abercrombie realized Kim was actually buying the clothes for herself and revoked the ban … (and offered her a job…(jk) )
What do you think about this story? Would love to hear your thoughts
Thanks! CoCo Perez