Make Your Own Mineral Veil

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Make You Own Mineral Veil

I fell in love with the mineral veil from Bare Escentuals but not the price

I looked at the ingredients and was SHOCKED

TONS of Corn Starch!!! So I decided to make my own 😉

Take 1.5 Tablespoons of Corn Starch and mix with 1/4 teaspoon of powdered foundation – THAT is it!

Mineral Veil is brushed over your finished makeup. It create an amazing finish and helps keep makeup on longer. The picture of me above I am wearing my DIY mineral veil 🙂


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  • Niki F.

    Could you use this just as a foundation as well or is it only meant to be used as a finishing product? It’d be awesome if you could use it as a “replacement” for foundation to help stretch it further!

  • Camille Knudson

    Thank you so much for sharing your great ideas and giveaways. I have only scored once, but I have fun trying. I really like this makeup idea.

  • Rebecca Markham

    I use Bare Escentuals Mineral Veil and I am going to try this recipe to save a ton of money! Thanks for experimenting and the awesome tip!

  • Lacy

    Okay Mrs. Diva you serious need a “LOVE” button we can push 🙂 ( You know instead of a “like” Button) LOL!!!! I’m always wanting to push one 🙂

  • Tracey

    Oh yeah! i have some left over foundation that i am going to try this with, I only used the mineral veil when i had it as my foundation…i have very pale skin and hard to match with full coverage foundation…LOVE THIS!

  • Janette

    I tried this the other day and it is awesome. I just mix in a little powder bronzer and it has a little shimmer. But you can use rice flour (or brown rice flour) too. If you have oily skin both options are great. If not, be sure to moisturize well. You can also add cinnamon to the mix for some color.

  • Cheryl

    Thank you so much for the tip. I just ran out of my mineral veil and this a spending saver. Thanks a million.

  • Amanda

    That’s a great idea! You can also use Phillips milk of magnesia (original) as a, for lack of a better word, pre-foundation foundation. It keeps your skin from getting oily and makes your makeup look absolutely amazing, almost like and airbrushed look :D. And if you use it as a wash, it has the same effect, just use moisturizer afterwards.

    And if you want a masque that will really quench dry skin, mix up 2 parts pure honey with 1 part aloe. Spread it evenly on your face/neck and leave it for 10-15 minutes. When you wash it off your face will feel amazing!!!

    Oh, and pepto bismol is also good for oily skin 😛

    • Heather


      You said Pepto Bismol is good for oily skin. Do you just apply it and rinse it off? Or, is there more to it?

  • Suzette

    THANK YOU-THANK YOU-THANK YOU for saving me lots and lots of money! I have used Mineral Veil for years and this is too, going to save me Lots of hard-earned money! Thank and keep up the good work, we REALLY APPRECIATE IT!

  • Teresa

    I use a mixture of 1 tablespoon cornstarch, 2 teaspoons baby powder and 1/4 teaspoon of powder foundation. Will never go back to paying $20!

  • Andor

    Thanks for the tip, after hitting a huge money crunch in our finances this year I had tried to switch from my Bare Minerals that I loved and actually stayed put on my face where it belonged. I soon found that most of the stuff could be a cheaper version but I had to have my Bare Minerals foundation and then still mourned for my Mineral Veil. I appreciate you sharing it with all of us..

  • kathleen

    Love the tip. I use the mineral veil with sunscreen and I think it’s the zinc stearate, but I’m not sure. Does anyone know what to use and where to buy the sunscreen portion?