Everything You Need to Know About Straightening Your Teeth

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We should preface this article by saying that there is nothing wrong with teeth that aren’t perfectly straight. Whether you have a gap-filled smile or overlapping teeth, your mouth is amazing the way it is. Everyone would also look rather boring if we all had the exact same smile. In fact, unconventionality is precisely what makes one person stand out from the next, what makes each individual beautiful. With all that being said, sometimes we might need to straighten our teeth for health and wellbeing reasons. For example, certain people cannot eat properly because of their crooked teeth, whilst others have difficulty pronouncing letters. Or one might simply feel so insecure about their smile that it is severely affecting their ability to function (once again, though, this doesn’t mean to imply that uneven teeth are something you should ever feel bad about). In these circumstances, having your teeth straightened might be a good option. This, in additional to implant restoration in avon lake, impacts us on so many levels, be it from physical health or confidence. As such, in our article today, we hope to discuss everything you need to know about straightening your teeth. Read on to find out further information and decide whether this is the right choice for you.

What Are the Health Benefits?

There are a couple of health benefits that come with straightening your teeth. If your teeth are uneven and they happen to cause you physical discomfort, this is a very good reason to have the work completed – and your dentist will probably have already said as much. And so, here are some of the ways that straightening your teeth could potentially promote your wellbeing:

  • Improved Speech

Some people with uneven teeth struggle with their speech. For example, those with gaps between their teeth can sometimes develop a lisp, as the air whistles between their gaps. Meanwhile, those with crowded teeth might have trouble making certain sounds, such as their THs. Enunciation can also be more difficult. People with speech impediments can struggle with communication, too. All these factors have a significant impact on their mental health. As such, teeth straightening can be necessary in these cases.

  • Comfortably Eating

Unfortunately, uneven teeth can make eating rather painful for certain people. If you have crooked teeth, for instance, you might be unable to chew your food properly. Moreover, it might impact how you move your jaw as you eat, leading to discomfort and strain in this area. Therefore, straightening your teeth is a good idea for people who often find themselves in a lot of pain at mealtime. Eating shouldn’t just be for sustenance; it is also something that can bring a great deal of joy into our lives.

  • Oral Hygiene

One of the main reasons why people decide to get braces is because their oral hygiene is suffering. Sadly, uneven teeth can make brushing and flossing more difficult and painful than either needs to be. As a result, people with uneven teeth sometimes avoid flossing altogether, as they simply can’t get the dental filament between their teeth. It is also more difficult to dislodge plaque if your teeth overlap. All these things mean that uneven teeth can have a detrimental impact on your oral hygiene. In these circumstances, straightening is necessary.

  • Reducing Risk

As you can more easily brush with straight teeth, this reduces the likelihood of you developing ailments like gum disease (which can cause further complications and conditions down the line). Overcrowded or protruding teeth are also more vulnerable to injury. If you have an accident, then you are more likely to break them. You might experience pain in your gums and jaw from the pressure of chewing with uneven teeth. Straightening them can help to relieve the pain and reduce any risks associated with crookedness.

Anybody that suffers from the above ailments should consider having their teeth realigned if they haven’t been already. It is worth consulting with a dental professional first, to properly ascertain that this is the treatment you need. They should then guide you in the right direction.

What Are the Options?

There are several different methods for straightening a person’s teeth. You should spend a while considering which option is best for you, as there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution. Our mouths are completely unique to us and our different problems require different treatments. Here are the most common and effective options for straightening your teeth:

  • Metal Braces

Metal bracket braces are the most popular option for teeth straightening in the United Kingdom. This is mainly because they are the cheapest option. You can sometimes have all the expenses covered by the NHS, but in other cases, you might need to have braces fitted by a private practice. Metal braces are a good option for those with small budgets. They can also be fitted in different colours (or with clear bands if you would rather your smile be inconspicuous). The main issue with metal braces is that they can be rather uncomfortable, their wires pinching the inner cheek. You also need to be careful about what you eat and drink because sometimes these metal braces can cause staining.

  • Clear Aligners

Clear aligners are taking the world of dentistry by storm. They are virtually invisible and can be fitted to perfectly match your teeth, straightening them out over time. If you are wondering how much these braces cost UK, then you should have a look at straightmyteeth.com for more information. Their website will talk you through the brace cost UK for aligners, helping you to make the best decision for your teeth whilst also keeping things affordable. Like regular braces, clear aligners need to be frequently remoulded to ensure they properly straighten your teeth. As such, they require a little more time and money, but they are definitely worth the effort.

  • Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces are another popular option in the United Kingdom, but the NHS won’t cover them being fitted. They are very similar to metal braces; except they take on the appearance of your actual teeth – making them more inconspicuous. If you feel self-conscious, they are appealing. However, ceramic braces are also very expensive, and they are much more likely to cause staining afterwards if you aren’t vigilant with your dental care. The treatment takes longer to straighten your teeth, too.

  • Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are placed on the backs of your teeth, making it appear like you aren’t receiving dental treatment at all. As such, they are a very attractive option to those feeling embarrassed about having braces. There are some downsides to lingual braces, though. Firstly, they are extortionately expensive, so most people can’t afford them. They are also only appropriate for those with slightly crooked teeth. If you have more severe issues, you will have to look at other options.

  • Veneers

Veneers are a good option for people with lesser alignment issues. They are fitted caps which help to reduce the appearance of discolouration or asymmetry. Veneers can only really be used for cosmetic purposes and so they aren’t a viable treatment for people suffering from ailments related to uneven teeth.

That’s pretty much everything you need to know about straightening your teeth. We hope you found this article helpful and informative. Remember, there is absolutely nothing wrong with having uneven teeth unless they are causing you discomfort.