Why Should You Use A Menstrual Cup?
Who said that the menstrual period has to be embarrassing and uncomfortable? Nobody, right? Well, it’s time to embrace technology. It’s time to devise new ways when it comes to period care. For instance, investing in menstrual cups will help you stay comfortable during your periods. Designed to collect that menstrual blood, this cup is easy to use, highly flexible, and effective. Keep reading to discover the new way to period care through a menstrual cup.
The Basics
A menstrual cup typically refers to a flexible cup that’s designed to help women collect their menstrual blood. Unlike tampons and pads that absorb blood, menstrual cups collect the menstrual flow. They’re commonly made of first-grade silicone. And they’re highly flexible and easy to maintain.
How Is It Used?
Are you tired of tampons? Well, it’s time you consider turning to menstrual cups. If you’re a pad-only user, making this move could seem a little weird but with time you’ll definitely get used to it. Here are simple tips to help you get started.
Wash Your Hands
Wash your hands then apply a lubricant. This will ensure that insertion is made easy and comfortable. Then, tightly fold the menstrual cup with the rim facing up. And once you’ve done that, go ahead and insert the cup into your vagina. Grab the stem and gently rotate it. Doing this will ensure that the cup is airtight and free of any leaks.
Menstrual Cup Health Benefits
Tampons have been to cause vaginal dryness. And when your vagina is too dry, it can encourage the growth of harmful bacteria, which could, in turn, disturb your body’s PH and bacterial balance. Eventually, this could result in the development of an infection. With a menstrual cup, however, your natural fluids, as well as, flora won’t get disturbed.
It’s also important to note that tampons are believed to cause Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). This condition typically occurs when a substance stays in your body for too long. Mensural cups are designed to hold your menses in a silicone cup as opposed to letting it continually touch your vaginal walls.
The average woman utilizes five tampons daily during her period. This translates to about 30 tampons per month. And this can be very costly. When it comes to menstrual cups, however, you can stay for several years without needing to purchase new cups. Menstrual cups are highly durable and can last up to 10 years if well cared for.
Once the menstrual cup’s life expires, simply throw it into your wood-burning stove or a ceremonial burning. It will burn to simple ash, which is completely biodegradable.
The Convenience of Menstrual Cups
Tampons can hold a maximum of 5 milliliters. But menstrual cups are available in numerous sizes. You can find 25, 30, and 35ml cups. That means you can go several hours before making a change. But this will technically depend on your flow. However, you can last about twelve hours before emptying your menstrual cup.
You Can Go for Yoga Classes with Menstrual Cup
Are you an athlete? Or are you spending your day at the beach? Then, menstrual cups have got your back. They’re convenient and affordable. You simply need to make a single purchase and you’ll be good to go. They can literally last for over a decade!
Investing in menstrual cups will save you the hustle of purchasing multiple pads every month. Thus, if you’re working on a limited budget, then menstrual cups could be your lifesaver.
During periods, you’re most likely to feel dirty and gross. Plus, periods can be extremely uncomfortable. At this point, your hormones are raging. And even if someone else can pick up a smell, you definitely can. Using menstrual cups can boost your confidence as they’re uniquely designed to hold your menses airtight, hence ensuring that no odor sneaks out. Just make sure that your menstrual cup isn’t leaking. And if it’s leaking, you can get someone to fix it for you.
No Surprises!
Have you been tracking your period with your phone or through bullet journaling? If so, then you probably have a clue of when it’s going to arrive. In these modern days, you no longer need to hyper-pack your purse just in case your menses surprise you.
If you utilize period cups, you can comfortably insert them in the morning and carry on with your daily activities. Using period cups can significantly improve your life. So, if you have never tried them, it’s time you make that move.
How to Choose the Right Menstrual Cup
There are several menstrual cup options on the market. Thus, selecting the right product can be challenging. Luckily, here are a few tips to help you select the right menstrual cup:
Consider the Size of Your Cervix
Consider checking your cervix height to select the right size. This should be done before or during the period. This is when the cervix height is at its lowest.
Cup Firmness
Some women may have bladder issues like a sensitive bladder. In these cases, you shouldn’t go for a firm cup since it will exert more pressure on the bladder. This will make you feel uncomfortable. Instead, choose a soft cup. It will exert less pressure, making you feel more comfortable.
Purchase Your Cup from A Reputable Brand
Choose your cup from the right brand. Ensure that the cup is made up of quality material. Don’t choose a cup made from dubious materials. Remember, the vagina is very sensitive. It can react with these materials and lead to unnecessary comedications. Conduct your research before purchasing your cup.
The Bottom-Line
To some women, the menstrual period means abandoning their daily chores and staying at home. This period can be painful and uncomfortable. But you shouldn’t suffer anymore. With a menstrual cup, you have the best way to collect that blood, keeping you clean and comfortable throughout the day. The above are the real benefits of investing in a menstrual cup.