How Does a Water Softener System Remove Hard Water?

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In many parts of the country, water is naturally hard. These areas tend to have more minerals in the water, which can lead to several adverse effects on your home and personal life. 

Hard water has a higher concentration of calcium and magnesium, which can build up in your appliances and create problems with your plumbing over time. The minerals can also hurt your skin and hair if you have a hot shower or bath. 

If you’re concerned about the hardness of your water or have noticed any of these issues, it’s time to invest in a water softener Eagle Mountain, Utah, as soon as possible.

Let’s take a closer look at what softening devices are, how they help make water soft, and why they can benefit your home.

What Is a Water Softener 

Water softeners are appliances that exchange the minerals in hard water for sodium ions. This can be done with a salt-based system or an ion exchange system. 

A quality water softener will remove up to 95% of those hard minerals from your drinking water. It will also remove other water supply contaminants like sediment, dirt, and bacteria. 

A water softener can reduce limescale buildup in pipes and appliances, improve shower performance and prolong appliance life by reducing these impurities. Whether you have hard drinking water or just want to take care of your plumbing, having a home with a good water softener installed will benefit you as an owner.

So, How Do They Work?

Water softeners do this by passing the water through ion exchange resin, which attracts the hardness ions more than the clean water. The resin is then replaced with fresh resin with a neutral charge that no longer attracts the minerals. 

The clean water is released back into your home while the complex mineral ions are drained away to be discarded or reused in another way. 

Water softeners have different designations depending on the type of system they use.

Salt-based water softeners use sodium chloride to create soft water. Salt-based water softeners can be regenerative or non-regenerative. 

Regenerative water softeners exchange sodium ions for hard minerals in the water. The minerals are then flushed out of the system with fresh water. 

It’s important to remember that water hardness isn’t a problem as long as it doesn’t pose a problem. Soft water is desirable because it’s easier to clean with no mineral buildup. 

If you have hard water, you’ll have to clean your bathtub, sinks, and appliances more often because the minerals in the water will leave mineral buildup. Water hardness can affect human health as well. It can cause itching and irritation in individuals who have sensitive skin. Soft water poses no problems for pipes, appliances, or fixtures because the minerals have been removed.

The Final Word: How to Choose the Right Water Softener in Eagle Mountain, Utah?

You can choose the right water softener for your home by considering your water source. If you have a well, stick with a salt-based system because a water softener designed for a city water source will add contaminants to your water supply. If you have a municipal water supply, choose an ion exchange system. 

You also need to consider the water hardness level. For example, you may need a high-capacity water softener if you have tough water.