5 Secrets to Maintain the Tummy Tuck Results You Want

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Abdominoplasty, also known as a “tummy tuck” or “abdominoplasty surgery” is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures today. The procedure helps you get rid of excess fat and skin from your abdomen and can reshape your muscles. An abdominoplasty is an excellent option for men and women who want to tighten their midsection, remove excess fat from their stomach, and bring back a smoother, firmer appearance to their abdomen. This article explains everything you need to know about this procedure before moving forward, including types, benefits, and recovery.


Who is the Ideal Candidate for Tummy Tuck Procedure?

Tummy tuck surgery can benefit a variety of people, including


  • People with stretch marks after losing a lot of weight
  • Mums seeking to regain their former figure
  • People with saggy or loose skin as a result of aging
  • People with weaker and separated abdominal muscles
  • People who have lost weight and have excess loose skin


The Tummy Tuck Procedure

After weight loss has already taken place, abdominoplasty is usually the second phase of weight loss surgery. This plastic surgery procedure is performed under general anesthesia, and most patients are discharged home within 24 hours postoperatively.


Types of Tummy Tuck


There are different types of tummy tucks, tailored according to the needs of patients. These procedures include:


  • full tummy tuck that contour and flatten the areas above and below the belly buttons
  • An extended tummy tuck that includes the removal of loose or excess skin from the flanks and above the hips
  • A mini tummy tuck that improves the shape of the lower portion of the abdomen
  • A tummy tucks with liposuction to remove isolated pockets of subcutaneous fat


Tummy Tuck Results

If you’re considering a tummy tuck, you might be concerned about how long it will take to heal. Here are some things to consider:


  • Patients may notice an improvement in their profile after as little as a week or two. Still, the surgery’s full benefits may not be immediately apparent, as swelling and standing upright are both limited until the injury heals.
  • There will be a scar around the navel, but incisions below the bikini line result in less visible scarring. Scarring disappears after about 12 months, leaving a pale line.
  • Patients who smoke or drink heavily may have slower healing times.
  • If you have had a previous operation on your abdomen, this may impact your ability to heal.


Benefits of a Tummy Tuck

Having tummy tuck surgery not only benefits your appearance but also improves your comfort and health. Strengthening abdominal muscles can:


  • Improve posture and mobility
  • Relieve lower back pain
  • Reduce urinary incontinence symptoms after pregnancy 
  • Reduce the risk of hernias


Who is a Good Candidate For Tummy Tuck Surgery?

You should have the surgery for yourself, not to meet other people’s needs or to try to conform to a specific image. In general, you may be a good tummy tuck candidate if you are physically healthy and maintain a stable weight, have realistic expectations, are a non-smoker, and dislike the appearance of your abdomen.The type of surgery will depend on your needs and what results you’re looking for, it helps to speak with your tummy tuck and lipo surgeon about what might be right for you.


How To Maintain Lasting Results


After tummy tuck surgery, the doctor will give post-care advice on your recovery. Your plastic surgeon will advise how often you should shower and change the dressings and fringes on your movements and activities. Alongside the option to have a tummy tuck and run up the cost, you need to do another needy job – to sustain your tummy tuck results.


Pluck yourself through surgery and expend the money on it will be offscouring if you don’t take regular care of your body after the surgery. Make sure you are prepared to do whatever it takes to boost the outcomes before you go through tummy tuck surgery. Choosing the right plastic surgeon is significant if you’re considering a tummy tuck. Here is how to achieve the best tummy tuck results. After surgery, you can take care of yourself in several ways to enhance your chances of a desirable outcome that lasts.


#1 Maintain Your Weight


Redundant weight variation up or down can hinder your tummy tuck results. To save your investment, try to maintain your post-operative weight. Throughout the tummy tuck, fat cells are apart from your abdomen. But it is a possibility that you can gain fat in that area again. If you fall flat and pursue a lifestyle that involves regular exercise and healthy food, you may experience yourself right back where you were ahead of your surgery. Your best pledge is to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly to avoid abdominal weight gain.


#2 Eat a Balanced Diet

There are no complications after a tummy tuck surgery, but you must eat a light diet for several days. You may begin with clear liquids, such as water, and then progress to a light diet of fruits, vegetables, soups, yogurt, whole grain cereals, and pudding. If none of these go up for your stomach, try a protein diet that supports your recovery. Always consult your tummy tuck surgeon before changing your diet. Reducing fat and calorie intake in the diet will increase the body’s metabolism and fortify the abdomen’s muscles.


#3 Always Stay Hydrated


Drinking lots of water or fluids helps flush out toxins and speed up your healing process. Tummy tuck surgery can limit your daily activities, and this can lead to a situation of constipation. As for removing waste from the body and reducing the pain and medication effects, you should drink a lot of water. Water also helps to transport nutrients to blood vessels and decreases skin elasticity. As we know, the human body contains 70% water and will not work properly if it is dehydrated.


#4 Avoid Pregnancy


Pregnancy can harm the outcomes of the tummy tuck procedure. A pregnant woman’s body changes quickly to help her fetus grow. During this time, the mother usually gains weight and experiences skin stretching. Women should avoid pregnancy for long-lasting tummy tuck results.


#5 Know Your Limits and Exercise Daily

Exercise is a way to stay healthy after tummy tuck but avoid strenuous exercise activities. Once you feel self-conscious about your protruding belly, start with light physical activities, like climbing stairs, walking, knee tucks, leg raise, and cardio exercises. Avoid hitting the gym immediately after a tummy tuck or approximately for six months. Listen to your body first, and do not push for lifting exercise. It takes more than six weeks for abdominal muscles to heal after a tummy tuck. Wait until then before you begin running again.



See a Certified Cosmetic Surgeon


Dr. Mark Kohout is a certified member of the Australian Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), the Royal Australian College of Surgeons (RACS), and has helped many men and women unhappy with their appearance. He specializes in tummy tuck, body lift, liposuction, and other plastic surgery procedures.




A tummy tuck reduces fat and tightens skin from the lower and middle abdominal areas in order to improve your abdominal shape. It takes time for tummy tuck results because of scarring, swelling, and pain, but maintaining a healthy lifestyle is crucial to achieving long-term results.