Budget Savvy Diva: Company Not Fulling Orders Because of THEIR OWN MISTAKE

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Yep you know what time it is – Budget Savvy Diva opinion time.

I found out about this problem last night – and took some time to think about it – I would love what YOU think about it.

I actually have dealt with this type of situation a couple times before. It always starts out the same – as I search the internet I find an amazing shopping deal. Basically a company has a coupon code for free shipping or a free product – which is awesome right?? So I check out what is the least expensive product and test if the coupon code will work – sometimes it doesn’t BUT sometime it does – then I let me AWESOME readers know about it. One example is this post:

Shop at Home: FREE Measuring Cups + FREE Shipping With ANY Purchase + MORE!!!

I tested it out – worked great. Basically I purchased some nice wrapping paper and used the coupon code for free shipping and free measuring cups – no problem.

Well last night I get the email:

“Dear Valued Customer,

Thank you for your recent Shop Taste of Home order. Unfortunately, due to a technical glitch on our website, we’ve had to place your order on hold.  When readying your order for processing, we discovered that your confirmation incorrectly indicated that you would receive a free gift of collapsible measuring cups and free shipping & processing for your order.

In fact, these benefits were only offered to purchasers of our Ultimate Potluck Cookbook. We are very sorry for this mistake and we understand the inconvenience this causes you. If you would still like the item(s) you originally ordered and/or the Ultimate Potluck Cookbook which costs $27.96 and comes with the free collapsible measuring cups and free shipping, please contact us by replying to this email or calling 1-800-880-3012 and one of our friendly Customer Care representatives will be happy to assist you.”

Well it seems that they realized that they would not be getting any money off of the order and decided to cancel it unless I purchase something for the $27.96!!!!!

I understand that they never thought the code would be matched with wrapping paper – but there was nothing that stated that it could not be matched up with wrapping paper – simply put it is their mistake – but consumers are being punished for it.

I know those are loaded words I just used – but I feel very strongly on the subject. I think their reaction is VERY short sighted – if they had honored the orders – there is a good chance that many people would purchase from the merchant again. But because of their rude way of dealing with the situation – this Budget Savvy Diva personally will not be shopping nor will she post any deals that they might have.

What do you think about the situation???

If you are interested in reading more what Budget Savvy Diva thinks :

Budget Savvy Diva’s Opinion: Groupon Controversy over FTD Flower Deal – AND REFUND!

Borders Bankruptcy – CLOSING 200 Stores – MUST READ

Budget Savvy Diva Opinion: Misleading Promotion – What do you think

Another Post Concerning Company Deception and Coupons – MUST READ

Budget Savvy Diva Opinion – Company Charging ME Money To Review Their Products – MUST READ

Budget Savvy Diva Opinion: Coupon Fiasco at Target