Budget Savvy Diva Opinion: Coupon Fiasco at Target
This is a classic Budget Savvy Diva post 🙂 Enjoy!
Coupon Fiasco at Target
Walked into my local Target store – with coupons in hand – excited by all the deals that awaited me. Going through the aisles I matched coupons and product placing my finds in my cart. I headed quickly to the travel section – which is perfect for high value coupons that have no size limit. I happen to have a $1.00 off any tide product – and there happen to be Tide Detergent for $.97! Total FREEBIE ALERT!
After I snagged this freebie – I headed to the cashier – no lines so no problem 🙂 As the youngish cashier is ringing up my order – I hand over my coupons ( and hold my breathe…. I am always worried something will go wrong – well it did. As I handed over the coupons – I was surprised by the cashiers stunned look – like a deer in the headlights sorta look.
The first coupon to be scanned was tide – no problem right – WRONG!!!!!
He looks at me and states – You can’t use it
Me: Why not?
Cashier: cause the picture’s not right
Me: Excuse me
Cashier: The picture is not the same as the product. ( please note the picture above for reference ( I do not know of a tide product that is just the logo))
Me: Does the coupon not state: ” can be used on ANY tide product.” Is this a Tide Product – pointing to the detergent
Cashier: yes….
Me: Then I can use the coupon.
Cashier: No…. it is not the same as the picture
( no joke that is has the interaction went)
” figuratively I banged my head against the wall”
At this point I ask to see the manager – takes about 5 minutes – finally he comes – I explain the situation… Then he states…
Manager: You cannot use the coupon…it is not the same as the picture.
I kid you not Budget Savvy Diva readers.. I seriously felt like I was in the Twilight Zone…
I ended up leaving Target not defeated but charged to write this article.
The lack of coupon knowledge among cashiers is pretty hideous. I use to work as a manager at a “Target” type store – where cashiers had no training concerning coupons – actually very little training at all – it was this plus the amount of markups that inspired me to quit and start Budget Savvy Diva.
In the end this article is to pose the question – why does there have to be such an unbalance of understanding of coupons in stores. Logically there is so much money invested in coupons even by Target ( target has their own coupons) shouldn’t there be a better understanding of them at cashiers. I mean the cashier is the last and usually only interaction one has at a store – it should be as positive as possible. In a economy where people are being more careful about money should you not try and gain their store loyalty – I think training about coupons is worth that – because Target just lost a customer.
I hope that one day we as couponers will be able to walk into stores and be treated with the respect and understanding – we deserve.
Budget Savvy Diva out!
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