Markup Mondays: Batteries
Another Monday means – we discuss markups here at Budget Savvy Diva –
Markup Mondays – where we take a look at one type of product and the % of average markup. Markup is the amount of cost that is placed on a product after the cost of ( production, transport, advertising; ingredients). Make sure to come back every week – some will shock you – it will really be difficult to pay the retail price of some of these product again. To find all the Markup Mondays – go HERE
This week:
Have you ever noticed that batteries are always near the register – that is because it is item that you need but forget to remember till you reach the register – and think – wait I need some batteries…. Plus finding coupons for batteries are well… kinda hard to come by.
Buying is bulk is key in bring down the price of batteries – Costco can drop the price to 36 cents per battery. The Local gMarkrocery store sold the same batteries for $1.12 per battery — a difference of nearly 70%.