Get to Know Budget Savvy Diva

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Check out the questions below to get to learn a bit more about Budget Savvy Diva – any comments would be awesome!

1.  Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?

Smooth all the way 🙂
2.  What is your favorite color Rose?

Multi color – are they not super cool?

3.  Do you remove your shoes when you walk into your home?

I never wear shoes in the house… hate to get dirt everywhere

4.  What is your favorite season?

I love Fall – hence why I got married in the fall 🙂


5.  Approximately how many hours a day do you spend blogging?

I have an update every hour on the hour… so if requires a lot of work… I go between 12 – 14 hours a day – everyday 🙂 But my readers make it worth it.

