*Brag Picture Of The Day* Toys!!!

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What do YOU think about this Shopping Trip?


If you have a Awesome Shopping Trip Photo – please send it to [email protected]!

Thanks! Kate 🙂

My toys r us trip today consisted of a total of 14 games 12 were the toy story 3 operation ( 1 for my son for christmas 1 for my nephew for christmas i gave my neighbor downstiars 2 for her grandsons and im going to donate like 5 of them to toys for tots then i got a star wars operation for my father , sorry sliders for my neice, candyland for anotha 1 of my neice’s and cooties for my 3rd neice who r all out in germany with the military i received the 10.00 gift card i payed a total of

Paid 42.50 with a savings of 129.66