Toy Story 3 Operation Game $1 Orders Being Cancelled – Did Yours?

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I felt the best way to address this is to write a post. Let me assure you if I were to know that so many orders ( including my own) were going to be cancelled I would never of posted the deal.

As many of you know I posted a deal for $1.00 Operation game in the post below

Toys R Us: Toy Story 3 Operation Game ONLY $1 – IN stores and Online! + 5% Cash Back ( online)

Many including myself snagged this deal – and it looks like Toys R Us has cancelled every order. I called them and it seems that the computer could not keep up inventory to how many were being sold thus they were selling units they did not have.

Feel free to rant on this post 😉 Let it all out – and please know I am sorry.


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  • Kari

    I guess I’m glad to hear I’m not the only one that happened to! I got the cancelation email yesterday or this morning (can’t remember exactly) and was ranting about it today. Incredibly irritating — if you don’t have the stock, don’t let us buy them!

  • Jennifer

    I ordered 3~only 3, and mine was cancelled that night by 9:30. I didn’t get the email until the next day, and I called Toys R Us, but the woman I spoke to kept saying that the deal was so good it was sold out really early. When I asked why the computer didn’t mark the deal as sold out, she just kept repeating herself. I then told her that I thought Toys R Us made enough money to have a computer system that could update itself. I was just so thoroughly disappointed that I couldn’t get this deal for my nephews. 🙁

  • cindy mckean

    I don’t blame you or any of the other bloggers that posted the deal. You were just trying to help us out. I blame Toys R Us. These companies know what they have for inventory and they should’ve known that they were going to get flooded with orders. My order was cancelled like the day after and they didn’t even have the courtesy to send me an email saying that they did it. It just disappeared off my account. No record what-so-ever that I even placed the order. That’s what really irked me. But please don’t feel bad, nobody should be blaming you or any other blogger. Thanks for all that you do!!

  • Susan Ferguson

    Fortunately, I had no issues. I ordered around 7:30 AM EST the morning of the sale for store pick-up. I immediately received a confirmation email followed 2 hours later with my pick-up info. I went to my local store the next day around 11AM. The manager told me I was one of the lucky ones.

  • Holli

    I ordered 4 of the F.A.M.P.S last week for my kids and Toys for Tots then I got a email saying they cancelled the order for 3 of them so they sent me just 1. That was a little irritating.

  • Jennifer Tyree

    Well, then I am glad I didn’t get in on that LOL. Sounded too good to be true..

    I would like to know if anyone did get them though? Did anyones orders go through?

    And I agree, Toys R Us is a big company, and they should have enough money to have a sufficient computer system.

  • Wendy

    I saw the ad before our local store opened and had placed my initial order for in-store pickup and didn’t get the pickup notice within the 2-hour window. So, I called the local store and the person I spoke to the morning the sale started said that their store did not physically have any, nor had they had any in stock in the store in quite a while. Within 5 minutes of that phone call, I got the store cancellation notice. At that point I placed an order for online delivery. It took about 24-36 hours to get an email telling me that my items had been “located in stock” and I would receive them between 11/14 and 11/16. On 11/15 is when I inquired as to the order status since nothing had changed in 9 days. Mine was cancelled yesterday today after I contacted TRU to determine it’s status. Within 4 hours after that, the cancellation notice came in. Honestly, this was a too-good-to-be-true advertisement to give a $15 game for $1 and I am willing to bet that if it were investigated thoroughly it would be found that the stores had very few, if any, and their warehouse had only minimal stock. All TRU managed to do with this fiasco is leave a sour taste with their customers as any reasonably state of the art ordering system should at least be able to state within a 24-hour window that they are out of stock–it should not have taken 10 days for them to reconcile inventory to orders.

  • neysa c.

    wow! I am glad that I am not the only one. I got my order cancelled. I got an email saying that my order was cancelled. I wasn’t happy I can assure you. My card got charged for the amount which I had purchased. I called them today to confirm the cancellation and I also checked my online banking for a reinbursement of my purchased. I was on the phone for a good 30-45 mins speaking to a crummy rep from TOYS R US who let me say treated me so disrespectful and rude. I demanded to speak to a Manager for my refund. The manager was gracious enough to issue a full credit to my account and offer a $20 off my next purchase and a free shipping as well for any future orders. I thought that this was at least acceptable for all the headache that i went through today with that rude rep!!

  • Ashley

    TOYS R US CANCELLED ORDERS INFORMATION : When I was in Toys R Us last week an employee told me that they would not be getting any more of the Toy Story 3 Operation game in. The store or website should have not pre-ordered it because this item is discontinued which was why everyones orders were cancelled. She also told me to check the website frequently because they are having several items that will be discontinued through the Christmas seasonand will go on sale very cheap like this specific game did. She recommended that it would be wise to get the item that is going on sale the first day of the sale because more than likely if they run our of stock they will not be getting anymore in since more of the clearance items are being discontinued. I hope this information helps all of you, even though this situation is very frustrating !

  • Lisa Boltiador

    I was very irritated and upset! I don’t have a lot of money so of course I was very excited to hear about such a good deal! Toys R Us should really think of the message they are sending to their buyers so close to Christmas shopping time.

  • Colleen

    This isn’t very surprising – Toys R Us has trouble with their computers on simple items. They can’t even keep their inventory straight in a single store let alone across the whole network. During one sale candy was on sale for $1.99 and every time they added a coupon it dropped the sale price on everything on the order. You always have to check your receipts there.

  • Erica

    I was super bummed! I emailed them telling them I probably wouldn’t order online from them anymore…they wrote back with just an I’m sorry…exactly, you would think that would have enough money to fulfill everyones order!

  • Lori

    I’m glad I’m not the only one. I bought two. The day I ordered, I received my confirmation email and thought everything was good to go. A friend of mine ordered and that evening she got a cancellation email. Late last week, I received an email saying that my order had been delayed and that they would send it as soon as they could. When I got up yesterday morning, I received an email saying that my order had been canceled. I personally know of people who were buying 20+, which is a personal pet peeve of mine. My initial order was for my 4 year old and my 4 year old niece, but had decided to give the second one to my sitter because her child has special needs and they could have used the game as a physical therapy tool. I blasted TRU with a nasty post on their FB page and I honestly could care less about shopping with them again. I am on a limited income, am disabled and have three small children. I don’t have the luxury of running all over town trying to find someone that carries the product so that I can get it price matched. Sometimes online shopping is all I can do. I don’t dare blame you BSD, you are doing us a huge service by spending YOUR time looking up deals for us and I’m thankful for it. TRU has done shady things like this in the past and I honestly won’t shop with them again. I’m starting to wonder if it was a ploy to get more traffic into their stores or onto their websites, but I won’t fall for it again.