Brag Worthy Shopping Trip – Diapers, Diapers, and MORE Diapers
What do YOU think about this Shopping Trip?
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Thanks! Reader Lisa
This is what she wrote –
I wanted to share my great deal on diapers at CVS!
I got two boxes of Pampers swaddlers, size 1 & 2
And two boxes of pampers cruisers size 5 & 6
My cvs in Ohio had the diapers marked 50% off for some reason. Making the boxes $11.49 each!
I used
3- $1.50 off p&g pampers coupons
1- $2.00 off p&g pampers coupon
I also used the $3.00 off $15.00 purchase coupon
I also had the living social deal where I purchased a $20 gift card for $10.00
I paid $19.47 out of pocket at the register!
Counting the living social deal I paid $29.47 for 312 diapers!!! That’s .09 cents per diaper!!!!
Pretty good deal in my book!
Thanks for letting me share, most of my friends don’t get my obsession!