iTunes Gift Card Class Action Lawsuit
** Class Action Lawsuit Alert **
( Make sure to click the share button so all your family and friends know about it)
Award (how much your claim may be worth): You can receive up an iTunes Store credit of $3.25
“Apple advertised, distributed and sold iTunes Gift Cards which stated that songs could be purchased at the Apple iTunes Store for a price of $0.99 per song. It further alleged that in April 2009, Apple raised the price of certain songs at the iTunes Store from $0.99 to $1.29, and that $0.99 iTunes Gift Card holders who purchased $1.29 songs were overcharged”
Settlement is for those who got a iTunes gift card where there was some sort of indication that “songs are $0.99” and used the gift card to pay for a song for $1.29 before May 2010
Submit Claim HERE