Answering Questions About Watson

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So this is Watson – most of you know him some no – either way you can tell he is one special kitty πŸ™‚

Here are some answers to common questions readers have….

What I post on the site and facebook about Watson does not even come close to how crazy and “unique” he really is… Everyone who meets him in person is stunned by him.

Yes he is wearing a shirt.

Yes that is Miss Piggy.He does carry her around; however, I do have to place her on the couch and bed – he will move her into a position. He has had Miss Piggy since Sept. I snagged her on a media trip for The Muppets and he actually pulled her out of my suitcase when I was unpacking. I do have a Kermit doll but Watson does not care for him.

Yes he got into that position himself. He pretty much sleeps this way – I actually cannot remember the last time I saw him sleeping like a normal cat. He started sitting like this at 6 months randomly.

He weighs 13.4 pounds. He is on a diet. He is not happy about this fact.

He is extremely sweet. He never bites or scratches. If he is in the mood he will lick your hand ( if you just ate πŸ˜‰ )

He is a flame point Siamese — if you are lucky enough to find one make sure to snag it — they are amazing cats — extremely sweet and kind and VERY vocal.

He is needy. I love him … but he is needy. If you leave the house for a few hours you will hear about it when you get home for about a hour. Siamese cat owners will know what I am talking about.

You cannot have any doors closed. For some reason he needs to see us at all times or be able to see us. If you happen to close the door lets say to the bathroom you will have a crying Watson on the other side then you will have cat claws come underneath the door lately you will have him jumping and try and turn the knob.Β  Finally you will hear the crash of him falling followed by even MORE crying…

He cannot stand me putting on makeup — for some reason when I put on makeup ( I use the mirror in the bathroom) he will have a fit and pull at my arms ( if anyone can give me the reason behind why he does this I would love one πŸ˜‰ )

We are pretty sure he thinks he is a mini human — he especially likes riding in cars and watching t.v.

I have had a bunch of requests for a video so here is one…. sorry that my voice is so loud in it πŸ™
