Watson The KATU Weather Cat and Budget Savvy Diva Will Be Participating in a 5K
I know this is not a money saving post – but it is still important 😉
If you did not know Watson is now a local celebrity here in Oregon ( if you do not know the whole story head on over HERE)
If you did not know Watson is a rescue and I love being able to give back to organizations that help animals 😉
I’m teaming up with Dove Lewis Emergency Animal Hospital to help raise a total of $40,000 between now and June 7, for their Stray Animal & Wildlife Program.
The Stray Animal & Wildlife Program makes it possible for DoveLewis to treat every injured lost, stray or wildlife animal who comes through their doors.
Last year, DoveLewis treated 1,119 injured strays and wildlife at the cost of nearly $260,000.
You can make a donation ( if you would like — totally no pressure) or if you are in Portland why not be part of the 5 k with Watson and myself
That is right!!!
Watson The KATU Weather Cat and Budget Savvy Diva ( me) will be participating in a 5k Race on June 9th ( me pushing Watson in his stroller 😉 ) –
Watson even cracked open his own bank and donated $25
All the information is HERE