Watson And Miss Piggy Love Story – Videos – Warning – Cuteness Overload!!!

Sharing is caring!

It is so touching how many people are “hooked” on this little love story. I get so many emails for amazing readers who say how their families love the pictures and videos. Thank you for all the support – I know nothing about this is frugal BUT it does provide a FREE Smile 😉

Disney gave me a FREE Miss Piggy about a month ago and Watson instantly was attached – carrying her around – cuddling 🙂 Then Mr.Savvy accidentally threw her away and then the constant crying started from Watson – I gave in and bought him another Miss Piggy ( frugal decision – no … but the right decision … yes)

Above is a picture of Watson and the NEW Miss Piggy. Below is the video of Watson’s reaction to  losing Miss Piggy for a 2nd time – she was just in the bath tub

and the 2nd video is of Watson when Miss Piggy is around…

Guess who is going to be first in line when The Muppets hits theaters Nov 23rd 😉

Can you notice the difference?!

Without Miss Piggy

With Miss Piggy