Upcycled Glass Milk Bottle Vase Craft

Sharing is caring!

I LOVE to up-cycle what I can — not only you are reusing something BUT often you can give it a new look that really is lovely

This is going to be my go to vase for spring

I love the fact that you can really personalize the vase – perfect for a wedding shower or birthday

This is what you need

What You Need

Glass Milk Jug – My supermarket sells milk in glass jugs so I bought mine there 😉

Sponge brush

Paint – Pastel paint

Clear Acrylic Spray – it will give your vase a smooth finish and helps the paint from chipping

What To Do

My vase took 3 full coats of paint – simply paint let dry and paint again until you get your desired look.

I liked using the sponge brush since it gives it that unique look

Spray one coat once the paint is dry

Enjoy! Clean with hot water – do NOT put in the dish washer