Brownie Batter Dip Recipe

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Brownie Batter Dip Recipe

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Brownie Batter Dip Recipe


Chocolate Chips

1 Cup of Cool Whip

1 Cup of Low fat Plain Yogurt

1 Cup of Brownie Box Mix

Graham Crackers


In a bowl combine cool whip, plain yogurt, and brownie box mix ( you only need the dry brownie mix for this recipe )

When it is smooth transfer serving bowl – top with chocolate chips

Serve with graham crackers


Brownie Batter Dip Recipe



  • Chocolate Chips
  • 1 Cup of Cool Whip
  • 1 Cup of Low fat Plain Yogurt
  • 1 Cup of Brownie Box Mix
  • Graham Crackers


  1. In a bowl combine cool whip, plain yogurt, and brownie box mix
  2. When it is smooth transfer serving bowl - top with chocolate chips
  3. Serve with graham crackers
  4. Enjoy!