Boston Market Macaroni And Cheese Recipe

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Boston Market Macaroni And Cheese Recipe

I remember going to Boston Market through out my childhood – we did not go a ton but when we did go I got the same thing EVERY time

Turkey Sandwich with Mac and Cheese and their roasted potatoes ( I really need to try and make a copy cat recipe for the Boston Market roasted potatoes I remember it being REALLY good)

I was talking to Eric about Boston Market and he brought up the Macaroni and Cheese as well – so I decided to try and make a copy cat

It took a while to get it right…. but I finally figured it out

Boston Market Macaroni And Cheese Recipe

The reason I was having so much trouble was the fact I needed to use velveeta ( I really try and use “real” cheese…. no saying velveeta is not real cheese but it is not something I would like to eat… I guess it is because I did not grow up on it”

Also I found out that it needed turmeric — which I never use in the kitchen so I bought some in the bulk section for only $.05 ! Now that is the right price for me… that is a tip to save money ๐Ÿ˜‰

If you never added dried mustard to your mac and cheese you are really missing out — it really add a tang to the dish

Boston Market Macaroni And Cheese Recipe

Now doesn’t that look yummy ๐Ÿ™‚

This recipe makes about 4 large portions or 6 small portions — I did throw some parsley on top for a finishing touch but it is not part of the recipe ๐Ÿ˜‰

Boston Market Macaroni And Cheese Recipe

If you do make the Boston Market Macaroni And Cheese Recipe please make sure comment and let us know what you thought ๐Ÿ™‚

Love You Guys!

Boston Market Macaroni And Cheese Recipe



  • 3 cups spiral shaped pasta
  • ⅔ cup milk
  • ¾ lb Velveeta cheese, cubed
  • ¼ teaspoon dry mustard
  • ½ teaspoon turmeric, ground


  1. Cook pasta - according to the instructions on the box
  2. While the pasta is cookie - place the rest of the ingredients on the top of a double boiler ( so it does not burn)
  3. Once it is smooth - add cooked pasta
  4. Mix and Serve
  5. Enjoy

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