Summer Berry Water Recipe

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Berry Water FINAL

It is another hot one here in Portland, OR – so I have been busy making more infused waters. I wanted to make one that anyone can make and it super refreshing and delicious.

I found this recipe HERE – there is this great FREE Infused Water Recipes eBook. More about the FREE eBook below

Water is not just essential for life – it’s the most important ingredient in your kitchen too.

And because you need to drink more than a litre every day, we’ve made it easy to stay hydrated by pulling together great recipes from some inspirational foodwriters and chefs.

Download this ebook now for fabulous flavours – and some healthy new ideas.

Berry Water Ingredients

This is everything you will need for the recipe – pretty much a bag of frozen berries ( I love using frozen berries since they are picked and frozen at the peak of freshness)

Not only will your water be flavored but it will keep your water cold – win-win situation 🙂

Berry Water 2

I even found a great website article about the benefits of drinking infused waters check it out HERE

Berry Water

If you do make the Summer Berry Water Recipe make sure to comment and let me know what you think


Summer Berry Water Recipe



  • 1 Pint Glass
  • Handful of Frozen Berries
  • Water


  1. Place the water into the pint glass
  2. Add berries
  3. Enjoy!

This is a sponsored recipe – but I loved this recipe and I was happy to make and post about it