Why You Should Make a 52 Weeks Savings Plan
I’ve always dreamed of packing up the family and taking an impromptu adventure. You know, just loading up an overnight bag for each member of the family, playing heads or tails for the location, gassing up the car and hitting the open road. The idea sounds positively dreamy. Unfortunately, like a lot of people these days, we don’t have the financials to just pick up and go whenever we please. If we go on a family vacation of any sort it’s because we’ve saved for a year or more for the trip and have planned it out down to the last dollar. This can be discouraging for families, especially those with a larger headcount so more often than not family vacations are put on the back-burner and over time forgotten.
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the stress was taken out of saving? Personally, I would love to be able to have a better method of saving that wouldn’t feel like a dead end or that it was putting a damper on my budget for the month. Often times when I’m trying to save for big items or if I were saving for a trip, I would feel like it was taking away from my day to day budget and this can also be discouraging if you’re trying to save for something specific. With this in mind, I began searching around for different methods of saving that I thought might work best for my family of 5. It was during my search that I came across the idea of a savings jar.
Savings jars have been around since probably before my time. The concept always seemed incredibly simple: just empty out your pockets at the end of the workday or week and any lose change you have gets put into the jar. Well, suffice it to say that things have changed a lot since the concept of savings jars and now we have even better systems to choose from. The new and improved savings jar concepts vary from person to person but I personally love the 52 week savings option.
With the 52 Week Savings plan you could stand to have saved up $1,378.00 in just a years time. Putting one together is simple and fun and you can choose any increment that best suits your weekly budget. I’ve seen people do $1 and I’ve even seen increments of .25. It’s entirely up to you and what you’re looking to have saved up by the end of the year. In fact, my favorite part about this plan (other than the mega savings) is how flexible you can make it!