30 Weeks Pregnant With Twins Update
We made it to week 30! I could not be happier about it — It is most likely I will make it to about 38 weeks ( this is the ultimate goal) twins are considered full term at 37 weeks ( there is some science behind it). The main event this week is the BIG TWIN BABY SHOWER! I will have a separate post breaking down everything – I tried to do as many DIY things as I could. I loved having it at a local restaurant – no clean up. It took a while but I found a nice restaurant where we did not have to rent the room for a fee. Basically you paid for the drink and food and as long as it went over $300 everything was good. We ended up with 15 people at the event so there was no problem doing that.
I am feeling okay this week – I am shocked my back does not hurt yet. I will say morning sickness is loving to stay around – which is just lovely. This also the week I switched my OB – which was scary but needed and I am so happy that I did. Movement of the twins is pretty good this week – no real scares of any kind. It was just a nice week spending time with extended family – I love the fact so many people love these babies already.
Here is a photo of me at the baby shower
Thank you all those who helped me chose the blue dress – everyone thought it was pretty
Question Time!
How far along: 30 weeks
Total weight gain: 17 pounds
Maternity clothes: Yep! Some of them are becoming small
Stretch marks: There are some small ones
Sleep: Sleeping very well – I think I am just so tired
Best moment of this week: BABY SHOWER
Miss anything: Las Vegas
Movement: Both babies
Food cravings: Hot Dogs!
Anything making you queasy or sick: I just having morning sickness
Have you started to show yet: Yep
Genders: Girl and Boy!
Labor signs: Nope
Belly button in or out: out now
Wedding rings on or off: On 🙂 Getting tight
Happy or moody most of the time: pretty happy
Looking forward to: The babies being born