Achilles Tendon Injuries in Dogs

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Also referred to as the common calcaneal tendon, the Achilles tendon affects the Dog’s hind limb. It can also affect different muscles in the hand limb. Achilles can be classified as traumatic or atraumatic. Radiographic imaging and ultrasound imaging are common diagnosis options for Achilles. Also, dog Achilles tendon treatment options include rest and surgery. Here are key things you should know about Achilles in dogs.


The hind limb that includes multiple muscles is known as the Achilles tendon. When injured, the Achilles tendon can be traumatic or atraumatic. In both cases, your dog will experience severe pain.

If you suspect that your dog has suffered an Achilles tendon injury, consult your vet. The vet will conduct numerous tests to ascertain the extent of the injuries. Common diagnosis methods include ultrasound as well as radiography. The best treatment option for Achilles tendon injury is surgery. However, there are other treatment options you can choose. One of them is wearing a brace.

Recovering from the Achilles tendon takes time. However, with the right tips and tricks, your dog can recover and lead a normal life again.

According to experts, the Achilles tendon is a serious issue. That’s why you shouldn’t waste time. Act fast to save your dog from severe injuries. Waiting for too long can lead to serious necessary complications.


Achilles tendon injuries are serious. As a dog owner, you should prioritize getting in touch with your vet as soon as possible. Several signs and symptoms define the Achilles tendon. Here are common signs and symptoms of the Achilles tendon.


If your dog refuses to move, then it might be due to an Achilles tendon injury. Also, if it puts more weight on its hind leg, then it might be due to Achilles tendon injury.


If your dog assumes a flat-footed based stance, then there must be a problem. Dogs experiencing Achilles tendon injuries tend to assume a flat stance. YourVetFriend explains that dogs experiencing Achilles tendon injuries tend to assume a flat stance. Get in touch with your vet for a proper diagnosis.


Achilles tendon injuries cause severe pain. That’s why a dog suffering from Achilles tendon injuries tends to curl its toes in a downward direction. Simple observation will tell you that the toes are curled.


Any injury, including those that touch on the Achilles, causes inflammation. This in turn leads to swelling. A simple physical observation will tell you that the Achilles tendon has swollen.


The injured Achilles tendon are will generate a lot of heat. Use your bare hands to feel the temperature of the affected area. Excessive temperature means that the dog is in severe pain. Get in touch with your doctor for immediate medical attention.


The most complex type of tendon is the Achilles tendon. The Achilles tendon combines 4 dissimilar muscles. Achilles tendon injuries are divided into three types. They include:

Complete disruption—This type of injury involves the tendon apparatus itself. If you notice that your dog does not experience any tension in the hock, then it’s suffering from this type of Achilles tendon.

  •  Lengthened system
  • Experience inflammation


Achilles tendon injuries can vary from acute to chronic. Dealing with chronic injuries can be challenging. This is because repairing these injuries can be very difficult. Chronic injuries involve dealing with contracture as well as fibrosis.


You can diagnose Achilles tendon injuries in different ways. Taking your off to a vet as soon as possible is very important. Remember, these issues can worsen and lead to serious issues. Early diagnosis will help you make an informed decision regarding the treatment of Achilles tendon injuries. Here are common diagnosis methods your vet will use:

  • Physical examination—Your vet will physically examine the Achilles tendon. He/she will look out for signs like swelling, mobility, etc. He/she will try to exercise your dog to determine if the tendon is functioning normally.
  • Radiographs—After conducting a series of physical examinations, your vet will proceed to use a radiograph to confirm whether your dog is suffering from Achilles tendon injury. Radiographs will identify the location of the injury. They will also tell the extent of the injuries.
  • Ultrasound—After analyzing radiographs, the vet will then use an ultrasound test to get accurate diagnostic imaging. Highly sensitive, ultrasound can easily register the behavior of the tendons as well as ligaments. This will determine the affected tendons.

Blood Tests

Before making the final diagnostic report, the vet may conduct blood tests. Blood tests are important when the injury results from trauma. Blood tests confirm if there is any internal bleeding. It will tell the condition of your dog’s internal organs.


The most effective treatment option for Achilles tendon injuries is surgery. Highly successful, surgical repair is widely used by most vets. With proper aftercare, rest, and medication, this option guarantees you excellent results.

Surgery immobilizes and supports the tarsal. Proper care is important. Without proper care, the tendon won’t hold properly. It can cause external stabilization.

For proper care, frequent ultrasound sessions are recommended. Also, consider extensive physical therapies for dogs. Don’t allow your dog to sleep all the time. Take it for a small walk to rehabilitate the leg. However, this should start after 6 weeks.,

Don’t allow it to indulge in strenuous exercises. The injury may reoccur. Take your dog to a swimming session. Preferably, 2-3 times a week will help your dog recover. Swimming involves the mind. It doesn’t put pressure on the injured parts.

If you want your dog to recover faster, invest in laser light-based therapy. This therapy is designed to improve blood flow throughout the body, especially around the injured part. This promotes the healing process. It gives the dog that analgesic effect.

The Bottom-Line

Achilles in dogs can be traumatic. In most cases, it can lead to severe pain. Before it degenerates into a big problem, it’s important to take your dog to a registered vet. Among other things, the vet will diagnose, treat, and offer advice on proper dog care. Remember, Achilles can negatively affect the quality of life of your dog. Thus, take it for treatment early. The above represents key things dog owners should know regarding Achilles in dogs.