6 Lifestyle Hacks For The College Class of 2027

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If you’re preparing to begin college in the fall, it’s a good idea to review a few of the most worthwhile lifestyle hacks, like learning how to study efficiently, getting healthful sleep each night, setting up bank accounts, socking away a small amount of cash, and getting a tuition insurance policy. There are multiple ways to take advantage of the techniques, so review them below and see which ones are a good match for your situation as you get ready to start school.


Take a How To Study Course Online

The beauty of taking study skills courses online is twofold. First, there are plenty of excellent offerings from reputable educational institutions. Second, nearly all the classes and tutorials are free. Shop around to find one that suits your needs. Keep in mind that the ability to study intensively for several hours at a time is a core skill for success in college, no matter what your major will be.


Learning to study well takes practice. No matter how good your techniques are or what you learn from the courses, self-discipline plays a major role. Don’t expect to log regular four-hour sessions right from the start. Begin with one or two hours, or whatever your comfort level allows. Then, slowly add to the total time each week. Eventually, you’ll be able to handle larger and larger chunks of time, which makes homework sessions go by quickly.


Consider Tuition Insurance

Your parents might want to explore the benefits of having a tuition insurance policy. Let them know that the coverage can help protect any money spent on your college-related expenses in the event you have to pull out of school for illness, an accident, or similar reasons. When that happens, the policies can reimburse holders for up to 100% of the money previously paid toward tuition, various fees, boarding bills, and lodging in a dorm or off-campus house.


One of the best reasons to inform your parents about tuition insurance is that they’ve likely never heard of it. Still, the coverage offers solid security and peace of mind to anyone who has a child attending college. Unfortunately, young people do fall ill and need to leave school for several months at a time. It makes sense to protect your financial interest in those situations.


Establish Regular Sleep Habits

Another significant part of college life is sleep patterns. Far too many otherwise capable students suffer because they let the collegiate lifestyle wreak havoc with their regular schedules. There are more temptations to stay up late once you start school away from home. In addition to parties, late-night sporting matches, and dorm events, students fall prey to long weekends of socializing and the added pressure to log many hours of homework. Try to establish a regular bedtime and wake-up time throughout the week.


Build a Small Emergency Cash Fund

There’s no need to hoard large sums of cash, but it makes good sense to sock away $100 or $200 in an emergency fund should you need funds on short notice. It’s not always possible to get to an ATM or bank, and not everyone accepts credit and debit cards. Life in a college town can present unique challenges if you’re accustomed to residing in a large metropolitan area.


Open Online Checking & Savings Accounts

Set up bank accounts in your own name in a reputable institution that offers full online access to funds. Depending on where you live, aim to have access to at least one nearby ATM. The point of establishing two accounts is related to credit scores. The first year of a collegiate program is an ideal time to begin building a financial history. Checking and savings accounts can do that. Remember to use both accounts at least once per month and try to make regular deposits to grow the savings balance slowly.


Make a Contact Agreement With Your Parents

Contact or visitation agreements are an easy way to prevent a common problem. From a parental perspective, kids don’t visit home often enough when they’re attending college. This is especially true even when youngsters are on an hour or more away from home. Students prefer that mom and dad don’t just show up during a weekend or holiday break. The best way to deal with these kinds of awkward situations is to make a detailed contact agreement before the summer is over. The document doesn’t need to be very long. But be sure to include things like when you will come home for regular visits and how far ahead parents should call before arriving on campus.