Living Well For Less: Celebrity Style For Less
We all want celebrity style, but if you’re like me, you roll your eyes at the price stars pay. $1,500 for a handbag? No thank you! $300 for a top? Yeah right.
Lucky for us, there are inexpensive ways to get a celebrity-inspired wardrobe. And no, it doesn’t involve fighting teenyboppers and overstuffed racks at Forever21. You can get a star wardrobe sitting exactly where you are, right now, at your computer.
Thanks to the Internet, shopping has changed drastically. Comparison shopping has never been easier, and finding celebrity-inspired looks is just a matter of knowing what websites to frequent.
I love It’s the ultimate website for creating looks with pieces that range from super expensive to totally affordable. I like to create sets, which are basically collections of pieces you like. You can filter the results by price, so if I’m just playing I don’t filter the price, but if I’m actually shopping, I filter so it only shows items under $50. Each item has a link that takes you to the store website, where you can buy the item.
Let’s take a look at a set I created a la Lauren Conrad. I found a striped tee for $50, dark skinny jeans for $30, a satchel handbag for $55.95, tan strappy sandals for $35, aviator sunglasses for $15.95, and a bronze ring for $12.99. All very LC, all very affordable.
And my last tidbit of advice for the label-lovers out there. Sign up to join and These websites have major discounts on name brand goods, but sales are fast and hot items get snatched up quick. Better sign up soon … I hear Ruelala has Gucci, Dior, and Dolce and Gabbana shoes for hundreds off right now!
Sarah Beckman is a writer and editor who loves to blog about celebrity style. When she’s not writing, she’s probably building her collection of aviator sunglasses and bow-inspired accessories, hanging out with her roommate, or planning her wedding.