5 Things Not to Buy on Black Friday

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I took the time and put together items that you SHOULD NOT buy on Black Friday – Enjoy 🙂

Here is the top 5 items NOT to Buy on Black Friday

1. Toys: We’ve said it many times already, and we’ll say it once more: Black Friday is not the best time to buy toys for the holidays. The best time is 2 weeks before Christmas – plain and simple 🙂 Budget Savvy Diva will show you all the best toy deal 😉

2. 2012 Calendars: Wait until 2012 – plain and simple 😉

3. Christmas Decorations: Wait till right before Christmas or right afterwards. Also Cyber Monday should have some HOT Deals 😉

4. Jewelry: SIMPLY do not buy –  the discounts on jewelry before the holidays are nowhere near as good as times when people are less inclined to be gifting something special.

5. Top-Brand TVs: Black Friday is an excellent time to get a cheap TV,but don’t expect the best deals to be flooded with brand-name sets.

Thanks! DealNews for the help 😉