My Odd Experience At Best Buy
I just had the strangest experience at Best Buy ( I do not shop there often). I went in knowing exactly what I wanted to buy. A sales person was nice enough to help me find it because it had been taken off the showroom floor ( I confirmed it was in store before I left the house).
I was trying to be up-sold not once, twice… but 3 times!
FINALLY! He took me to checkout – and rung my product up. Mr.Savvy was waiting at another store for me so I was trying to get out of their quickly. I got the pitch about the warranty… Do any of you buy the warranty ?!
I decided against it because the it was well beyond my budget. The sales person’s mood completely changed. He became completely disinterested with me — started checking his phone — talking to other sales people. I know they must get some sort of commission off the warranties but still it was just odd how quickly his personality changed.
What do you think of Best Buy?