How To Be Gluten – Free On A Budget

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Hi! Budget Savvy Diva here πŸ™‚ As many of you know I have been gluten – free for 3 years now due to an allergy.

Gluten – Free diet and being on a budget seems like they do not fit well together… BUT… I did a video for y’all to enjoy on how I deal with being gluten – free and what are my favorite brands. Because if you are going to buy gluten – free items don’t you want them to be the best?

All these endorsements are completely unsolicited.

Also check out 50 Best Gluten – Free Recipes

Vitacost is one of my favorite places for gluten – free food — PLUS there is a SWEET deal going on right now! *HOT* $10 off ANY Order

Check out the video

Copy Cat Recipe – Homemade BisquickΒ  – Use Gluten – Free flour To Make It Gluten – Free

Copy Cat Recipe – Popeyes Biscuits – Use your homemade GF Bisquick


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  • tonya jordan

    I loved your video. Very informative. Thinking about going gluten free myself. Currently researching gluten allergies, and also just think it is healthier.

  • Mel

    Thanks for posting this! We just went gluten free for my daughter (13 years old). We have not tested her but believe she is just gluten sensitive/intolerant not full Celiac. Cross contamination doesn’t seem to bother her. It’s amazing what getting rid of the gluten has done for her. She had symptoms that I would have never attributed to a food allergy. For example, she would cry every time I braided or brushed her hair. Now..nothing… she actually asks me to braid her hair for sporting events. Crazy! She loves the Nut Thin crackers I think chedder cheese is her new favorite. Before that she had the sea salt ones with laughing cow cheese. Glutino also has a bagel chip that is wonderful. I think the kind we tried was parmesan. Thanks again! I always wondered which type of GF flour you used. Oh and Doritos are now made without wheat flour. I think they started that in May. So some bags in the stores still have wheat in them. πŸ™

  • Jennifer

    I have been GF for 10 years now…and after trying it all, I agree, Annies, Lundenberg, and Betty crocker rock, but CRUNCH MASTER GF MULTIGRAIN crackers are the best!!!!! They have a FULL rich flavor and are at BJ and Costco. Expensive, yes…but big on taste and fufills my need for crunch. my whole family eats them….and they are really picky eaters!

    THANKS for the tip about Doritos.

    I am new to this website..and I cant’ wait to read all of the recipes.

    Blessing to all!

    THANKS FOR the video. I am new to the website. My friend showed to me last night.

  • Carolyn

    Great video and good to know about the various brands and their quality. Just wanted to add that there are some awesome gluten free, multi-grain chips we’ve been getting at Costco! They’re called Late July organic, Sea Salt by the Seashore. They are whole grains, but gluten free! So yummy! I don’t know how much longer they may be carrying them though, I get the impression they may be seasonal and you know how Costco varies in its stock. But if you can, try them!

  • Barbi

    Good tips! My son has a wheat allergy and has been gluten free for 5 1/2 years now. The best tips I can give are, when you can, make things from scratch & skip the mixes, frozen meals & processed foods. Read your labels, most places add sugar & fat for taste when they take out gluten.Don’t buy everything you see that says “gluten free” on the lable, the costs add up quick! And remember the rhyme I taught my son, just because it’s gluten free, doesn’t mean it’s good for me.” There are hidden glutens in things like shampoos, lipbalms, lotions, sunscreens, medications and hand soaps.Oh, and don’t forget oat gluten, spelt gluten..ect. Good luck!

  • Jen

    This video was like hearing myself talk about gluten-free eating! I love the same brands as you, and I am the same about the pastas – corn all the way! I don’t know if you’d be interested, but I actually have been ordering in bulk from Bob’s Red Mill at wholesale prices with a bunch of friends. Instead of a 22 oz. bag costing $4 (18 cents per oz.), I was able to get a 25 lb bag for $29.40 (a little over 7 cents an oz!). It definitely is a lifesaver, but you can only make it worth it if you have a bunch of people do it. I didn’t organize it myself, but I could contact my friend if you’re interested.

    Thanks so much for posting your recipes! I’m definitely going to be trying some of these out.