Budget Savvy Diva is Heading To Austin, TX For Book Signing
If you did not already know Budget Savvy Diva’s Book – Budget Savvy Diva’s Guide to Slashing Your Grocery Bill by 50% or More is officially out Feb 5th 2013!
To celebrate this mind-blowing event I will be traveling across the country for a book tour 🙂
My publicist team is still working out all the details but it is shaping up to be around 10 stops! I cannot wait to meet you all
One of the confirmed stops is in Austin, TX at Book People on March 2nd at 2 pm
BookPeople Book Store
603 North Lamar Boulevard Austin, TX 78703
(512) 472-5050
I will talk a little and sign a lot PLUS there will be some prizes 🙂
In order to have anything signed at a BookPeople event, a copy of the event book must be purchased from BookPeople. If you purchase your book from BookPeople in advance of the event, please save your receipt and present it at the event.
Pretty please if you are coming to the event or might come to the event please RSVP right away HERE
Cannot wait to see you all!!!