Copy Cat Recipe: Chili’s Chips and Queso

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Copy Cat Recipe: Chili's Chips and Queso

Make sure to REPIN this recipe 🙂

A couple of years ago I made this recipe – looking back on the pictures makes me want to live in a cave FOREVER – I used my cell phone and used kitchen lightening…. I now only use natural light and have special lens and an awesome camera

Today I am tackling Chili’s Famous Queso – now Chili’s does not list their queso as gluten free but I asked the chef at one of their restaurants and he said no flour was used. So after “tasting” the queso I got to work!

After many attempts this one is VERY close + it is SUPER YUMMY. Lick the bowl yummy 😉

Copy Cat Recipe: Chili's Chips and Queso

This is EVERYTHING you will need 🙂 This is easiest enough for anyone in your family to make. This is perfect for a potluck or similar — my whole family loved this dip

Oh did I mention that this recipe makes a TON and it is a fraction of the cost of Chili’s Chips and Queso

Copy Cat Recipe: Chili's Chips and Queso

If you do make the Copy Cat Recipe: Chili’s Chips and Queso please make sure to comment and let us know what you think 🙂

Love You Guys!

Copy Cat Recipe: Chili's Chips and Queso



  • Chips
  • 1.5 lbs of Velveeta Cheese
  • 2 Cans of Hormel Chili ( No Beans)
  • Pepper


  1. Get out that old crock pot and plop the two cans of Hormel Chili in it 🙂
  2. Make sure to turn the crock pot to low.
  3. Add 1 Teaspoons of Pepper and Mix
  4. Mix - Mix - Mix
  5. Add the cheese - I cut the cheese into slices for easier melting
  6. Put the top on the crock pot and take the next 2 hours off - just mix occasionally
  7. Heat up your chips - I place them in the oven at 300 for 5 minutes
  8. ENJOY!
  9. OR
  10. Mix all the ingredients in a skillet and serve with the chips ( this method takes about 15 minutes)