5 EASY Ways to Save On Your Electric Bill
As someone who is naturally frugal, I’m always looking for ways to save money on everyday items as well as everyday expenses. Whether I’m shopping for groceries, personal care products, entertainment services like cable or cellular plans or household decor, I’m always looking for ways to save a little extra money here and there. It’s a habit that I think everyone should adapt, not just because of the current economic situation but as a long-term solution to financial problems.
With the winter months hogging all of the electricity from our heating system and the summer sure to do the same with the air conditioning, I recently began looking into saving on our electricity bill each month. If you live in a state where it gets extremely hot or extremely cold, then you know the struggle all too well. During these extreme conditions, you tend to use too much electricity just to increase or reduce the temperatures to a favourable level. That means, you’ll be running several appliances, which in turn increases your electricity bills.
It’s not enough that it’s a constant battle to remember to turn off lights and electronics but to worry about the additional costs of heating and cooling, the expense tends to get a little ridiculous. I know I’m not the only one who thinks that either, I hear it almost daily from friends and family who are also fed up with their high electric bill. Also, here’s everything that you need to know on how to save money on your electric bills.
I also know that I’m not the only one who is on the hunt for ways to cut the cost on everyday electricity needs. Of course, the first step is to always look for the best and most favourable home or business electricity rates. It might sound quite obvious but you need to look into it before employing other strategies.
In this article, I’ve decided to put together a list for my readers of ways that you can start saving on your 0monthly electric bill. I hope they help you as much as they’ve helped me!
- When it gets warm in your area, use your appliances like the dryer and your oven in the morning or the evening. The weather is cooler during these times, which means you’ll not have to struggle with high temperatures. How does this help in reducing your utility costs? Well, extreme conditions demand more from your air conditioning system, which is proportional to the amount of power consumed. Using the aforementioned appliances when the environment is cool ensures that the surrounding temperatures are minimized.
- If you have ceiling fixtures with fans attached to them or have upright fans or box fans in your home, use them. If the warmth is still bearable you can use them instead of cranking up the AC and this will help you cut the cost by quite a bit. Fans help circulate the air in your home and proper air circulation is key for helping cool off or heat up the room. Setting your fan to counter clockwise helps keep it cool while setting your fans settings to clockwise will help trap the heat.
- Using blackout curtains or bubble wrap on your windows is a great way to help reduce cooling and heating costs. Both options help keep the heat out in the summer time and trap the heat in during the colder winter months and both are fairly inexpensive options.
- Sometimes it’s not about the environment but rather the condition of your appliances. When some of these gadgets, especially air conditioners, trap a lot of dust, they tend to work a little bit harder than usual. Therefore, always check and clean the filters on both your dryer’s lint trap and on your air conditioner’s filter (if not using central air and heat). This will also help prevent those appliances from working as hard to do their jobs and in turn will help save you money.
- Use energy saving light bulbs. Make sure to check out energy-saving advice. Lighting accounts for almost 20% of your electric bill each month. If you’ve used the traditional incandescent bulbs, then you must have realized how it dissipates energy by producing a lot of heat. It was designed to produce light but most of its power is wasted in form of heat energy. LEDs – famously known as the energy-saving bulbs – are quite efficient when it comes to electricity usage. For one, they use very little power and rarely waste this energy by producing too much heat; not to mention their durability. Therefore, the moment you start investing in these lighting gadgets, you’ll start experiencing a lot of changes in your electricity bill.
There are many different ways you can start to save money on your electric bill. These are my top 5 favourites that I’ve begun using but there is an endless list of other ways you can start saving too. Sometimes it’s the simplest idea that helps the most and the cheapest idea that saves you a ton of money. I hope my tips can help too!