Less Expensive Ways to Hang on with Friends

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For many people, hanging out with friends means going on to have dinner and drinks or maybe a movie. That can all add up quickly and you can end up spending a lot more than you planned just to get some quality time with those close to you. It doesn’t have to cost a lot to have fun with your buddies. Check out these great ways to hang out on the cheap.

Cook a Meal

Instead of heading to the restaurant, head to the grocery store to pick up ingredients to make a meal together. This is a fun way to hang out with your friends and get a great meal.

Dessert Date

If you are in the mood to go out to a restaurant, you can always just go and order dessert. That is a fun way to get out and not spend a ton on the bill.

Free Wine Tasting

If you and your friend love a great wine, check online for free wine tastings in your area. There is usually no obligation to make a purchase.


Bowling is a fun and relatively inexpensive way to spend a couple hours. It is usually less than $5 to rent shoes and anywhere from $3-5 per game. Bowling is a great way to have fun plus still easy to chat and catch up. Check their site for coupons before you go!

Take a Class Together

Search your local area for some fun upcoming classes at your local community center. Whether you want to learn about cooking, ceramics, pottery or learn a new dance, this can be a great way to spend time with friends.

Cheap Movies

If you and your buddy like going to movies, you can still go, just find a theater that plays second run movies for much less. Or take advantage of discounted prices to attend movies before noon. And if you really want to do a movie cheaply, skip the snacks. Or split a popcorn and soda. Most offer free refills.

Sports Bar

Check out sports bars in your areas that have great deals on drinks and appetizers and you can usually hang out long enough to watch an entire game and not spend a fortune.

Host a Game Night

Board games aren’t just for kids. There are some many games out there that are super fun for adults. Grab a couple, have friends bring some snacks over and have a great game night.