Are Wet Walls PVC Panels Reliable?
Wet Walls PVC panels are readily available in different shades and colour schemes, and they add a pleasing and artistic effect to your finished wall surfaces and ceilings. Wetwall PVC panels are used in kitchens, bathrooms, utility rooms, etc. Whether it is a ceiling or a bathroom wall, Ceiling 2 Floor Wet Walls Edinburgh have the most artistic and state of the art designs to match your needs and colour schemes. The wet walls PVC panels can be used in residential and commercial projects, making the interior glossier and more attractive.
Why Select Wet Walls PVC Panels?
As we talk about modern architecture, the wall claddings and tile fixtures need to be well-finished and clean to reflect their original colours and themes. Wet walls PVC panels are the acceptable replacement for ceramic tiles used in the past, covering your building and interior’s vertical and horizontal surfaces. Wet wall PVC panels are easy to install and can withstand both dry and wet conditions. Many architects and interior designers highly encourage the use of Wet walls PVC panels for walls and ceilings. The PVC panels have a tongue and groove system to bind with the surface and fix over a specific area. Nowadays, PVC panels are available in many colours, textures and finishes, making them an elegant pick for your decorative ceilings and walls.
Advantages of Installing Wet Walls PVC Panels
Wet Walls PVC panels are the best fit for your kitchens, sinks, washrooms and lobbies. PVC panels are hundred per cent waterproof, making them resistant to water leaks and water penetration from your toilet utilities. The installation procedure of wet walls PVC panels is effortless and user-friendly; it doesn’t require any grouting or cementing like ceramic tiles. Wet walls PVC panels can be pasted and fitted to both dry and wet surfaces, making them adaptable to your standard designs and interior. Most importantly, every engineer and interior designer plans his/her construction to be sustainable and fire-resistant; the wet wall PVC panels are fire-resistant and durable.
Every owner wants his/her house to be elite, attractive and unique in itself; wet walls PVC panels are in different shades, textures and finishes, creating your interior entirely distinct and engaging. However, the ceramic tiles are just limited to specific designs, shades and textures. The maintenance and cleaning of wet wall PVC panels are easy and convenient as they do not have groves or impressions where dust and bacteria could accumulate. The PVC panels are pieces of finished smooth surfaces that can be wiped off and cleaned easily. Apart from being artistic and attractive, the wet wall PVC panels provide ideal soundproofing and insulation to the surfaces.
Are Wet Walls PVC Panels Non-Porous?
The wet wall PVC panels are non-porous surfaces. Every occupant and user needs a clean and hygienic internal environment. The wet wall PVC panels are an ideal pick as they do not allow mold to penetrate or stick over its surfaces, making them resistant to bacteria and fungus accumulations. Installing wet walls PVC panels in showers can give your standard washroom an attractive and elite look.