4 Peculiar Gift Giving Practices & Customs From Around The World

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Why are people from India negatively superstitious about even numbers? Is there something wrong with giving someone from Singapore a handkerchief? The practice of giving gifts is as old as humanity itself whether it is the forbidden fruit between Adam and Eve or The Awesome Hamper Company gift for your mother on Mother’s Day. Let’s look at the different traditions and customs of various cultures around the world.

Argentinian Customs For Giving Presents

One of the things Argentina and the US have in common is that they consider the number 13 as unlucky. Argentinians take this superstition about the number 13 very seriously. Always reconsider if you are about to give a cash gift in the denomination of 13 or a shirt with the same number. 

Indian Customs For Giving Presents

India is a diversified and astonishing culture that celebrates several different celebrations when gifts can be given. But there are some exceptionally uncanny customs for giving presents. Some people might get offended if you gave them a cash gift in even numbers. This is a custom that is not quite easily palpable for someone who is not from India. 


Indians believe that numbers ending in ‘1’ are lucky in comparison to even numbers. The one at the end stands for a new starting point to acquire more wealth. On the contrary, any number ending with an even digit signifies a conclusion or termination of any more wealth to come. 

German Customs For Giving Presents

Americans get treated like royalty on their birthday. Their friends plan a party with a magnificent cake and drinks on the house for the birthday boy or girl. In Germany, the host must organise their birthday party and invite friends. The host is also responsible to make sure that everyone gets a piece of cake and drinks. 


Do not expect any of this kind of treatment from your friends if you are in Germany and it is your birthday. Psst, make sure you have enough cash if you plan on telling everyone it’s your birthday. Germans also don’t take too kindly to you if you wish them before the day of the party. They believe that there is no need to praise the day before it is actually here.


The German expression is ‘Man soll den Tag nicht vor dem Abend loben’ which means ‘Don’t praise the day before the evening’. This means that you do not know what the evening holds because it still has not come yet and there is no guarantee that you will be a part of it. You might be implying that your friend might not be around when the day comes.

Singaporean Customs For Giving Presents

Singapore is a multicultural hub that has people from all over the world who practice so many different religions. But there is a likelihood that you can offend someone from Singapore if you present them with a handkerchief. Singaporeans associate handkerchiefs with tears, crying, and sadness, which means giving them a handkerchief is like telling them you will cry soon. Think twice if you are going to present your Singaporean friend with a handkerchief as a gift for Christmas or a birthday.