Top 7 Tips for A Healthy Pregnancy
Pregnancy is undoubtedly one of the most exciting events of womanhood. However, it can also be tricky and challenging, especially if it’s your first time being pregnant. Nonetheless, you want to ensure you’re doing the right things to stay healthy for you and the baby inside your womb.
Naturally, your body will be more delicate when you’re pregnant. Thus, it would be best to observe healthy practices during pregnancy. On the other hand, there are also a few things you need to lessen or stop doing altogether, as they may put you in harm’s way.
Whether you’re aware that you’re pregnant or suspect you might be, consider these top seven tips for a healthy pregnancy.
- Keep Hydrated
Keeping yourself hydrated is one of the most important things to do during pregnancy. You and your baby need adequate hydration for optimal health.
The blood supplies oxygen and vital nutrients through your placenta to the baby inside your womb while carrying carbon dioxide and waste away. Your blood volume rises to 50% due to this additional activity. That’s why you need to drink more and keep yourself hydrated.
Aside from that, doing so could help you avoid a urinary tract infection (UTI), constipation, headaches, fatigue, and swelling. All of these conditions can be very uncomfortable to experience, especially during pregnancy. Therefore, drinking eight to 10 glasses of water each day is advised.
- Eat A Well-Balanced Diet
Aside from being hydrated, it’s essential to eat a well-balanced diet when you’re pregnant.
Eating five to six meals of folate-rich foods, such as asparagus, wheat, lentils, oranges, and fortified cereals, is ideal. According to specialists, folic acid is critical in the development of your baby’s neural tube. Also, this nutrient is needed in red blood cell production.
At this point, you might be wondering: does breastfeeding make you tired? The answer is yes, but there are ways to cope with fatigue, and one is to fuel your body with a healthy diet that includes complex carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, and fiber. Remember that after giving birth, you’ll have higher nutrient requirements.
- Take Prescribed Prenatal Vitamins
It’s better to start taking prenatal vitamins as soon as you know you’re pregnant. Doing so will ensure that your child’s neural tube, which eventually becomes your baby’s spinal cord and brain, is well developed. Therefore, you shouldn’t miss out on nutrients like calcium, folic acid, and iron because these are essential from pregnancy to delivery.
Though these vitamins are readily available at any pharmacy, it’s beneficial to get a prescription from your doctor. This is crucial, as you might have allergies or other needs to be considered before intake.
This dentist who offers dental implants in Chattanooga also adds that iron is especially important during pregnancy as iron deficiency anemia can lead to a higher risk of gum diseases and premature birth.
- Engage In Moderate Exercise
Generally, you’ll get easily tired when pregnant and might sleep longer than usual. However, remember that exercising during pregnancy is as important as getting adequate rest. Physical activity will improve blood circulation, uplift your mood, lessen stress, and help you sleep better.
You may take a walk at a moderate pace for at least 20 minutes each day or join a pregnancy exercise class. Other alternatives are yoga, tai chi, or swimming. But make sure that your doctor approves of these activities. Also, ensure that you do such training in shaded areas or indoors to avoid heat exhaustion.
- Avoid Toxins
During pregnancy, you should eliminate toxins as these are linked to miscarriage, preterm labor, and congenital disabilities.
Therefore, you should avoid smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, and using illegal drugs. Aside from these, you should stay away from solvents such as nail polish and paint thinners.
- Check With Your Doctor Before Taking Any Medication
Since your body is delicate during pregnancy, you’re more prone to infection or sickness. If you get sick, make sure to get checked by a doctor and get a prescription for medication and even home remedies.
Note that ibuprofen, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), can be dangerous to your pregnancy. According to studies, this type of medication can elevate the risk of miscarriage or lead to fetal blood vessel damage. And that’s something you’d want to avoid at all costs.
- Keep Away From People Who Are Sick
It’s ideal to stay away from sick people as it’s worrisome if you get infected. Pregnant women can’t take over-the-counter medicines as these might harm the baby.
In addition, it’s advisable to refrain from going to crowded areas. It would also help to carry a hand sanitizer with you to keep your hands clean at all times.
Indeed, knowing what to do and what to avoid is an essential part of your pregnancy. It’s your way of caring for your baby. Considering the tips and tricks mentioned above will undoubtedly help you achieve a healthy pregnancy for yourself and your baby.