Podcast Hosting: Different Options and Features That You Must Know

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To keep your work and build your podcast feed, you must register with a hosting platform if you want to start a podcast. You must pick the company that best suits your podcasting needs from among the many available options. Visit https://melonapp.com/features/podcast-hosting/ to learn more about podcast hosting. Before choosing the podcast hosting platform, you need to look at the features and options the platform is offering. If you want to run a successful podcast, you need to choose a platform that provides you with analytics that help you in understanding your audiences and promotional tools so that you can be heard. 

Automatic Distribution

Choose a platform that offers the automatic distribution platform so that you can make, distribute, and earn money off of your podcast. You should be able to have full ownership of all of your content and remain always free to broadcast an unlimited number of episodes. It involves distribution to all popular listening apps automatically. One-step distribution will allow you to rapidly reach a larger audience. 


You can host, market, and track your podcast easily with analytics. Get your podcast listed in all of the biggest podcast directories to reach millions of prospective listeners. It includes statistics for advanced podcasts to monitor your development. You can learn more about your listeners by looking at statistics on your overall number of downloads over time, the apps people use to listen to your podcast, and the locations they listen to it. Through analytics, you will be able to get useful information for understanding your audiences and growing your show. Analytics offer useful metrics to gauge your performance such as trends and number of downloads, number of episodes downloaded, number of followers, the location of the followers or the listeners, the applications that listeners use to listen to your podcasts, etc. You can also get the option to export all these statistics on excel.  

Public and Private Podcasting Options

These options give you the means to expand your listenership and engage with your neighborhood. Some hosting platforms place no restrictions on hosting podcasts. Episodes and bandwidth are all unlimited. They offer free and simple migrations and provide migration support from any platform.

Chapter, Soundbite and Transcript

Adding all of these features to the podcast episodes makes them more interesting and helps in increasing the ease of access and discoverability of your episodes. 

Episode Scheduling

This is a highly effective feature as it enables you to work effectively, productively, and publish your episodes whenever you want. Using the analytics feature will help you to determine the best time for publishing your episodes and maximizing the audiences’ interest and engagement.

Easy Social Media Sharing

Social media is one of the most effective marketing tools as millions of people use it. You should opt for a podcast hosting platform offering the easy social media sharing feature with just one click. This will not only help you in marketing but also you would be able to keep your fans and followers updated.