Why Non-Alcoholic Tonics Are So Popular In The Healthy Lifestyle Community

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The era is to go healthy with full force. This is no more the decade of cool smokers or being borderline alcoholic. These activities won’t make you a victim of judgment but certainly a friendly intervention.


Among every crowd, you will find a few healthy lifestyle followers who would insist you switch to a non-alcoholic tonic drink. However, it is not just caring for your liver but also the willingness for you to enjoy this delicious drink.


You will have the jazz of the alcoholic feel but without the harmful effects of it. No more trying to drink in moderation and planning to stay away from your friends and family gathering because you are scared of your alcoholism resurrecting. This is to mention a few reasons why you should choose this alternative. In this excerpt below, we will be giving you a few. 


With non-alcoholic drinks, you will be able to enjoy each party any time of the day!

What Are Non-Alcoholic Drinks

Non-alcoholic tonics and non-alcoholic beverages have differences.


  • Alcoholic beverages have Ethanol.
  • Non-alcoholic beverages are the ones that are made with juice or soda water.
  • Non-alcoholic tonics have little to zero percent of ethanol.


When you are trying to give up drinking occasionally and find a substitute for your parties but want to get the feel of alcohol? Then go for the non-alcoholic tonics. 


Some of the popular choices for this kind of drink are:


  • Non-alcoholic wines.
  • Non-alcoholic gins.
  • Non-alcoholic champagne.

Here Is Why Healthy Community Picks It

Speaking to experts, and people who made the switch a few years ago, these are some of the benefits of non-alcoholic tonics. These are the reasons why healthy lifestyle advocates are speaking for it.

1. No Chance Of Illicit Behavior

Illicit behavior can start with embarrassing yourself in a crowd and can reach the extremity of breaking traffic rules to hurting yourself or others fatally. These are some of the bad behaviors you can indulge inadvertently under extreme intoxication of alcohol.


These get even more embarrassing when you do it at a family gathering or at the worst office party because you have too many glasses than intended.


However, when you are sipping on a non-alcoholic beverage and enjoying your time. The number of drinks doesn’t matter anymore. You will never indulge in such activities.

2. No Fear Of Alcoholism

Many who like the physical and psychological impact of alcohol often feel like they will fall into the dark hole of alcoholism. However, it can be really difficult to withhold the willpower to say ‘no’ under light peer pressure.


With a non-alcoholic tonic, you will have something to serve at parties and drink at parties without too many questions. You will be sipping on your “wine,” enjoying your night without the fear of getting addicted.


On top of that, you wouldn’t have to explain the predicament to anyone and maybe dodge some judgment.

3. Suitable For Every Party

Parties are very versatile with all kinds of people. You can have pregnant women, women breastfeeding, health-conscious individuals, and people not drinking for religious reasons.


Switching to non-alcoholic tonics can make you choose a healthy lifestyle and a better party host. Plus, it is suitable for all kinds of parties, kids’ birthdays, bar mitzvahs, office parties, weddings, and the list can go on.


Next time you host a party, treat your guests to the best non-alcoholic delights from boisson.co.

4. The Familiar Taste & Smell

Non-alcoholic beverages, especially wine, are made of concentrated wine without alcohol. So, the psychedelic effect of alcohol is gone, but the smell and taste remain. So, when your olfactory senses associate with the smell, and your tongue feels the familiar taste, your mind automatically secretes dopamine.


This is the primary “feel good” hormone. So, technically you are tricking your body into thinking you are sipping on alcohol, but in reality, it is not.


It is healthy with the pseudo-buzz if that’s not the best combination!

5. The Ingredients Are Clear

Whenever you see a bottle of alcohol, there is no nutritional value to it. You cannot see the ingredients or count of nutrients. However, when it comes to non-alcoholic tonics, it is mandatory to put nutritional labels.


They are for the “health nuts,” as they call themselves, and they are always big about going through the labels. This is a good habit because you will know what you are consuming and in exactly what amount.

6. It Is Healthy

Along with the nutritional values, there have been records of non-alcoholic wines decreasing cardiac risks. The tonics can also help you get rid of the common cold and blocked sinuses.


Drinking a non-alcoholic beer right after a workout will put you in a deep sleep. This can help get rid of the soreness and inflammation which generally comes after a long workout day.


These definitely have sugar, but not too many calories as other alcoholic beverages. Plus, the addition of potassium, zinc and folic acid can help your body’s immunity.

7. No Waking Up With A Hangover

The best part about these non-alcoholic tonics is the lack of hangover worry. You do not have to worry about calling in sick or not drinking on a working day. Since the concentration of ethanol is absent from these beverages, you do not have to worry about nausea and headache, which comes after the psychological effect wears out.


Now, you can drink as many ‘cocktails’ without the fear of blacking out and waking up with no memory and a splitting headache.

Make The Switch Today!

Suppose you are still sipping on the toxic substance. A slow poison that you are not even aware of right now, maybe it is time to switch to a healthy option.


Try some of the premium quality non-alcoholic beverages, and you will never go back.