The experience of a personal growth

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The process of self-transformation and personal development can vary in complexity depending on the individual’s needs and desires. While some people may view personal growth as a lifelong process, others may focus on improving specific areas of their lives.

Having a teacher or mentor can help people improve themselves. This mentor could be someone like a counselor, physical therapist, dietician, doctor, work mentor, business connection, lecturer, personal trainer, parent, or friend – anyone whose opinion is valued and acted upon. Personal growth can involve a wide range of focus areas and associated actions, making it a unique and varied process for each person. In essence, it is a personalized journey that can comprise a limitless variety of pursuits.

Personal growth is important for everyone, as it can lead to becoming a better person. However, certain individuals may benefit even more than others, especially those facing difficulties that cause them daily pain or conflict. Such difficulties could include physical injuries, behavioral issues, mental health challenges, pain management, injury rehabilitation, disabilities, or PTSD and trauma-related problems.

While anyone can choose to improve themselves, those already struggling are in greater need of a positive and empowering perspective to help them view themselves and the world around them.

Sometimes personal growth is hard and painful

Many times, a painful or tragic life event can trigger a desire for personal growth and self-improvement. This is especially true when the individual realizes that the event could have been avoided if they had reacted differently. It can also occur when a person recognizes a negative pattern of events or emotions, and understands that their actions or inactions are the root cause.

This realization can be very difficult for most people, especially when they have previously attributed the source of negativity to something external or someone else. This tendency to falsely assign blame to others is common to all humans, and often stems from the pain caused by the shame or guilt generated by our own actions.

On the other hand, sometimes people are inspired and motivated to pursue personal growth by something they encounter in another person, a book, or a life event.

The process of introspection and honest self-assessment can be uncomfortable, painful, and sometimes confronting. Depending on the severity of the issue being addressed, seeking the help of a professional to navigate these emotions and issues is highly recommended. This can ensure a positive outcome for the individual.

So why do we need it?

Although the pursuit of personal growth can be uncomfortable and painful, people continue to do it for good reason.

Overcoming difficulties with dignity, improving oneself, and achieving even small amounts of personal growth can bring numerous benefits, including but not limited to:

  •       Learning to better control emotions and negative thoughts
  •       Overcoming procrastination and laziness
  •       Developing a growth mindset and being open to learning new things and skills
  •       Finding peace and contentment with circumstances beyond one’s control
  •       Improved work and relationship outcomes
  •       Making better progress towards personal goals
  •       A sense of personal pride, accomplishment, and hope

Unexpected benefits

The people surrounding an individual pursuing personal growth can unexpectedly benefit the most from their efforts. This includes friends, family, pets, co-workers, and anyone else they come into contact with. As the person develops into a braver, more hopeful, and positive version of themselves, those around them will also be exposed to this positive energy. This can inspire others to start their own personal growth journey. When someone becomes happier, it can have a positive impact on their physical health, career success, and leave a lasting impression on those around them. This positive feedback loop can continue as long as the pursuit of personal growth continues. Often, once someone starts the journey of self-improvement, it becomes a lifelong passion that is evident to those around them.

Integrating a psychedelic experience

As there is no universal method for integrating the psychedelic experience into daily life, each individual’s circumstances will determine how they choose to do so.

For some, the psychedelic medicine may provide clear messages, prompting them to make tangible changes in their lives that support personal growth. These changes could involve adopting a healthier diet, severing toxic relationships, or reducing social media consumption.

However, in other cases, the path forward may not be as straightforward. Many people struggle to reconcile the emotions, sensations, and visions of their psychedelic journey with their everyday existence. They may have encountered strange shapes and mystical beings that they struggle to understand, or experienced profound emotions that they do not know how to access again.

In these instances, it can be beneficial to allow the memory of the experience to exist within oneself without feeling the pressure to comprehend it on an intellectual level. Intuition can lead the way, rather than the intellect.

Mystical visions can act as an invitation to embrace the wonder and enigma of life. Blissful feelings can serve as a powerful reminder of what is possible when limiting beliefs and toxic thought patterns are relinquished. Even challenging emotions such as fear, anger, and sadness can be signs from the subconscious mind that unmet needs and unresolved issues require conscious attention.

Although it is feasible to handle the aftermath of a psychedelic experience alone, it can be overwhelming to navigate the complexities of life. Thankfully, support is readily available. As psychedelics become more common, a rising number of experts are emerging to assist. Tangerine retreat can provide you a supervised psychedelic experience by trained and certified specialists.


While the journey of personal growth can be hard and painful, it brings numerous benefits, including emotional control, improved work and relationship outcomes, and a sense of personal pride and accomplishment. Integrating the psychedelic experience into the process is highly personal. Some individuals may receive clear messages from their experience, leading them to make tangible changes that support personal growth. However, for others, the process may be more challenging, as they struggle to reconcile their psychedelic journey with their everyday existence.