9 Effective Ways to Overcome Depression Without Medication

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If you want to deal with depression without medication, you should get enough sleep, get more exercise, eat healthy foods, keep a journal, and create goals that can give you a sense of accomplishment.


Depression can make the sufferers feel helpless. But there are many things you can do independently to improve this condition. Changing your physical activity, lifestyle, and even the way you think, can be an effective way of dealing with depression outside of medical treatment.

How to deal with depression other than with medication prescribed?

Depression can be treated with a variety of therapies, from cognitive therapy to medication. However, there are also natural ways to deal with depression without the help of drugs. Keep in mind that if you have been diagnosed with depression and have been prescribed medication, never stop taking your medication without your doctor’s approval. However, you can also live a healthier lifestyle that can improve your mood.

  1. Get good quality of sleep

Sleep quality can affect mood because when we are sleep-deprived, emotional states become negative. Poor sleep is believed to contribute to depression. And vice versa, depression can cause poor sleep quality.


To recover from depression and improve your emotional well-being, it’s best to have a regular sleep schedule and get enough good sleep each night. Create comfortable bedroom conditions to get a good night’s sleep and establish a consistent routine so you can feel relaxed before bedtime. If you spend most of your time indoors, try setting aside some time outside each day. Light plays an important role in regulating sleep cycles and circadian rhythms, so a lack of sun exposure may make it harder to sleep at night.

  1. Exercise regularly

The next way to overcome depression is to exercise regularly. Physical activity can trigger the production of endorphins which can improve mood. Regular physical activity can prevent and treat depression. Half an hour of low-intensity exercise daily is effective in improving mood and quality of life.


If you’re struggling to work up the urge to exercise, try to find a friend to exercise with, remind yourself of the health benefits, and start with short, simple exercises like taking a few minutes of walking every day.

  1. Have a goal to achieve

Having goals to achieve can elevate your mood and make you feel happier and more well-rounded. Thus it will be good for you to make a reasonable goal to achieve and try to get that goal as a way to overcome depression.


Choose a goal that is controllable, manageable, and realistic for you.  Achievements in this case do not have to be in terms of specific achievements, but can also be done by changing lifestyles to become healthier. For example, say you aim to drink two liters of water every day, make your bed every day, master a new yoga move, or save more money for a vacation.

  1. Schedule fun activities

You don’t have to wait until you’re in a good mood to do something fun. Schedule in to enjoy 30 minutes to watch your favorite series each day or make plans for other fun activities like going to the movies, karaoke, or spa. Enjoying the good things can help elevate your mood and reduce feelings of depression. In addition, taking time to be grateful for the good things that happen to you every day can also increase feelings of happiness.

  1. Self-reward

Rewarding yourself can be one way to overcome depression. Celebrate your successes when you do good things and achieve the goals you set.


You can celebrate any achievement with a nice gift or even treat yourself by hiring a professional cleaner from Luce MG cleaning service so that you have the opportunity to relax more during your free time, instead of doing house chores. Don’t ignore or downplay your achievements.  Recognizing your own success can be a powerful way to combat the negative effects of depression.

  1. Try to establish a routine

Depression can disrupt daily routines. If this is happening to you, try setting up a regular schedule of your activities. This can help you feel more in control of your life. This routine should be scheduled throughout the day.  However, creating a routine that is loose but structured can help speed up your daily work.

  1. Journaling

Research shows that journaling can be a helpful adjunct method of managing mental health conditions. You can write things that you experience and feel, including those that are hard to put into words. This can help express your feelings more clearly. You can also help track the symptoms you experience each day and identify their causes.  

  1. Set a healthy diet

No diet can instantly cure depression. However, you should pay attention to a healthy diet to maintain your overall health. If you tend to overeat due to depression, then controlling your eating can make you feel better. In addition, also add intake of omega-3 fatty acids and folic acid which are proven to help relieve symptoms of depression.

  1. Avoid alcohol and other drugs

When experiencing depression, not a few people are involved in substance abuse or drinking alcohol. If you have symptoms of depression you should avoid alcohol and other illicit substances. Long-term drug use can change how the brain works and cause or worsen mental health problems, including depression.


Although many things can be done as a way of dealing with depression besides taking medication, you should never underestimate the symptoms of depression. It’s best not to treat depression by yourselves and talk to your doctor about the treatment that can help.