A Creative Way to Repurpose Old Jewelry Into A Masterpiece

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Old jewelry often sits in a drawer, never being touched except to reminisce. Instead of selling it to a pawn shop, giving it away, or throwing it away, many repurpose old jewelry using creative ideas. Learning imaginative ways to repurpose old jewelry gives it new life.

Unique Ways to Reinvent Old Jewelry Pieces

Grandma’s old brooch, that broken necklace, and an outdated watch all have the potential to create something beautiful. To bring your ideas to life, seek help from custom jewelers. They take old jewelry and create innovative works of art. Consider the ideas below to reimagine old jewelry and make it come to life again.

Brooch Wreaths

Antique brooches are often extravagant and beautiful. Although they may be outdated in style, that does not mean they cannot serve a new purpose. Brooch wreaths are trending because they allow people to display their loved ones’ beautiful treasures while decorating their homes in a unique style. You will not need a lot of supplies to create this project. Place a brooch in the center of a beautiful rose or other flowers, and display them proudly.

Beautiful Bracelets

Many brooches, necklaces, and rings can fall apart over the years. You can bring broken jewelry back to life by taking the pieces apart and placing them in a beautiful wrap bracelet. Use a strong cord or even metal wires to string pearls together for a unique bracelet. You can also use old gemstones and lockets to create charms.

Wind Chimes

People can use old jewelry to create stunning works of art in the form of wind chimes. Use old bracelets, brooches, and necklaces to fabricate wind chimes that ring out in a beautiful melody. There are many plans online. Hang these wind chimes on porches or even inside for beautiful decor.

Curtain Tiebacks

Brooches and necklaces make gorgeous curtain tiebacks and do not require many work materials. Use some ribbon or a strand of chunky wooden beads, and create stunning curtain tiebacks. Best of all, you can change out the brooches for each season.

Pot Planters

Old earrings are beautiful, but when one is missing, they become useless. Use a pair of metal cutters to snip off the earring post and then glue them to a painted pot to create a stunning container for plants. You can also arrange jewelry on the outside of the planter and then grout it to make an amazing display. Use this creation as an honor to relatives.

Create a Gorgeous Masterpiece

The sky is the limit on how people can transform old jewelry into works of art. The ideas above create a perfect starting point. Do not be afraid to try new project ideas. If they fail, take the projects apart, and you can start over.

Sort the jewelry by type or by gemstones, and determine what is broken and intact. Taking inventory can stir creative juices and help you come up with a plan. Once you know about the pieces, it is easier to come up with ideas.

Old jewelry need not stay in a cramped drawer and be forgotten. Bring out these relics and let them shine again. With so many beautiful jewels out there, many people visit estate and yard sales to pick up old pieces for crafting. Finally, Grandma’s old brooch will have purpose again.